Thursday, July 17, 2008

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 118)...

Once more it's time for...

Well, kids, last Friday evening about 7:00, I got something in my eye. Don't know what it was. Coulda been a bit of a peanut shell from all the peanuts I was eating. Coulda been an errant eyelash. Could been a large mote of dust, who knows? All I know is that, while it didn't hurt like a sharp pain at all times, when I blinked, I could feel something up in there, and it hurt. And my eye watered, and I couldn't focus, or even comfortably keep my eye open.

I wiped at my eye. I pulled the upper lid down over the lower to make it water. I splashed water up into it. I wiped at it some more. I stood under the shower and ran water into it. I wiped at it some more. I lifted the upper lid up and the lower lid down, trying to see if I could see what was there.

Finally, a bit before 11:00 FOUR hours later, I stood again in the shower, longer, holding my lids up and down and my eye open. As I left the shower, I had my eyes shut because I had water in them. As I patted my face with the towel, I just KNEW this time I had washed it out. If not, I might have to go to the emergency room or something to see if someone could GET it out.

And, with a dry face I opened my eyes...and there was no difference. Everything was still the same. I had tried everything I could think of, and it was still there. And it had been FOUR hours. My face around my eye was sore and achey. I still couldn't see, and was so completely totally frustrated by it all, I just started to cry.

And after less than ten seconds of crying, the pain was gone. I blinked hesitantly, fearing that I might relodge whatever I had just dislodged. But it didn't happen and it was gone. And then I almost cried for joy.

But for the next two days, my eye was reddish and my face sore, and I was a bit swollen around my eye. But at least no more pain.

In the middle of all this, I thought enough of you guys, my mind was still on HNT, so I took a photo of my poor eye in mid-trauma.

It felt and looked a LOT worse than it does here.

To see what other people posted, click on

POLT Listening to "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morisette

In Falls, North Carolina, in 1957, we had just one way of "coming out". It was called "getting caught". - Allen Gurganus


Unknown said...

LOL I love that quote!!! And you see? Crying is good for you, even if you are a big ole' manly man. ;)

Vixen said...

*ouch* (((you)))

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

*shudder* Nothing terrifies me more than stuff in the eye. I'm so glad yours didn't get scratched in the process of getting the debris out.

Happy HNT.

Osbasso said...

Nothing quite as scary as a bloodshot eye. Unless you're thinking of me in Spandex (good Lord, man, what's wrong with you???) ;-)

Ashly Star said...

Oww! HappyHNT.

Blissfully Wed said...

Yikes. I'm blinking more just reading this. Glad it's out.

As for the "coming out" quote at the foot of your post... That's hilarious. I'll have to share that with a certain "out" individual at work. I can hear him laughing at that already.

Anonymous said...

Oh my...


Mariposa's HNT

Jason said...

oh my... be careful! HHNT!

Anonymous said...

That's kinda freaky. Glad you got it worked out.


Bunny said...

I'm so glad your eye is better! Yeeouch!

HHNT sweetie!

Pepper said...

Yikes! Eyeball!


Ms. Lily said...

now my eyes are watering,

Baby said...

I can't stop blinking - and wincing - ouch - HHNT!!!!

MarcelloNYC said...

HHNT - feel better, that is the worst feeling.

If it makes you feel any better, I was stung by a wasp above my left eye on Tuesday, and had an allergic reaction. Eye swelled shut, big huge mark - ugggg!

Lapis Ruber said...

Still doesn't look too good even now. Ouch. Hope it mends soon Happy HNT.

Dana said...

Looking at that made *my* eyes water!


Anonymous said...

My God, I'm wincing. Well, I'm certainly glad for you that that is over. Lovely eye color, by the way...

JW said...

Eyes are so sensitive - and that looks rather sore.

The worst I had was when my baby son caught me with a fingernail, right across the pupil. You don't realise how hard your eyes work until it hurts whenever they do!

Glad you managed to fix it ... and happy HNT!

Incidentally, good choice of song - that has to be one of the bitterest songs ever! :)

Anonymous said...

Made my eyes water just thinking about it then the pic, yikes. Glad it worked its way out whatever it was.
