Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ccause they're all different names for the same place...

This is totally stolen from Tam's Facebook page. I wanted to do it here, so I stole it and here we are.

Let's just go with Polt's Palace, shall we?
2.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME:(mother and fathers middle names)
Lamar Kay.
3.NASCAR NAME:(first name of your mother's dad, father's dad)
Charles Woodrow
4.STAR WARS NAME:(the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)
Palpo (sounds like dog food)
5.DETECTIVE NAME:(favorite color, favorite animal)
Purple Flamingo (Sounds like a gay bar!)
6.SOAP OPERA NAME:(middle name, town where you were born)
Lamar Chambersburg (this one is just silly)
7.SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd fav color, fav drink, add "THE" to the beginning)
The Blue Asti (Definitely a gay superhero!)
8.FLY NAME:(first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name)
Poce (is it 'Pose',is it 'Po-SAY', or is is Poke?)
9.STREET NAME:(fav ice cream flavor, fav cookie)
Vanilla Snickerdoogle (What 'street' are we talking about here? Drag Queen Avenue?)

10. ROCK STAR NAME (pet's name and street where you live)
None Third (Yeah, gonna have tons of groupies with that name.)
11. PORN NAME: (1st pet, street you grew up on) [I thought this one was your drag name!]
Muffin Church (hmm, only if I'm doing tranny porn...)
12.YOUR GANGSTA NAME:(first 3 letters of real name plus izzle)
13.YOUR GOTH NAME:(black, and the name of one of your pets)
Black None (or former pets, I could be Black Muffin, Black Cookie, Black Angel, Black Blueboy, Black Joe, Black Hoppy, and Black Goldie)
14. STRIPPER NAME: (name of your fav perfume/cologne, fav candy)
Axe Caramel (hmmm, if I were African-American, this could work quite well)

POLT Listening to "One Thing Leads To Another" by The Fixx

Forget the shoot-y dog thing. - Headmaster Fitch, Dr. Who


Tam said...

Ohhh, be Black Muffin. Sounds like you forgot them in the oven. I am Black Max. Or Black Bun, or Black Vanessa, but I think Black Max is cooler even if its kind of a guy name.

Michelle M. said...

I had heard that your porn name was your middle name and the street you grew up on. In which case I would be Elliot Dallas. I can see me know: hairy chest, gold chains and a seventies mustache.