Sunday, February 01, 2009

Part 131...

Shirtlessness du jour

POLT Listening to "Diesel Power" by The Prodigy Oil: 41.75 (+.07); Gas: 1.85 (-)

The war the neocon dreamers cooked up turned out to be a disaster, one in which virtually every Republican was implicated. Future Democrats will only need to say, "Oh yeah? Well you thought the Iraq War was a good idea!" in order to put Republicans on their heels. The Palin pick will no doubt be seen as one of the worst in memory, more embarrassing than even Quayle, offering a rebuke to every social conservative who embraced her with such lip-quivering joy. And the economic disaster that came right before the 2008 election convinced nearly the entire country that deregulation failed, the free market can't be left to its own devices, and government must be the guarantor of economic security. In other words, all the pillars that have held up conservatism for so long are cumbling. - Paul Waldman

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