Sunday, February 01, 2009

Raps to build or raps to ruin, your whole career, yo...

This, my friends, was THE best thing about the Super Bowl this year, other than seeing that built hottie who was helping the Steelers kicker practice his kicks on the sideline near the end of the game. But since i don't have any video of him, I'll give you this...which is pretty damn hilarious in its own right.

It had all of us, from the 12 year old to me, the 41 year old, and everyone in between, laughing and laughing.

POLT Listening to "Music" by Madonna

Abby prays for your sould every night, Polt. - A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking


Stephen R. said...

Brilliant! Laughed my ass off!

I mean it. It's almost gone. And on me, that's saying something!!!

Michelle M. said...

I loooved this commercial. I think I'm 5 for 5.

Anonymous said...

pretty funny...... Life is.


Anonymous said...

LOVED IT! With the exception of hitting small animals, I'm pretty much there.