Thursday, February 12, 2009

Took some scissors, went snip-snip...

Last week, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking took one for the team and got snipped. Clipped. Steralized. Or as it’s officially known: a vasectomy. Or as I call it: emasculated.

I even sent him a get well card, showing a penguin on the front taking an awkward step on the ice, with a greeting inside of something like "The path to healing starts with one critical step" or something like that. To which I added "Especially when your testicles are swollen up to the size coconuts". Sympathy and compassion ARE my middle names, ya know?

He wanted it done because they don’t want anymore kids, and it’s less invasive for him that it would have been for her. Of course, as a reward for doing so, on Friday he got to go buy the large screen, flat screen TV he had been wanting and hooked it up with surround sound in his basement. Truly an impressive viewing experience.

Your manhood for a larger clearer picture on your TV…not the tradeoff I would have made, but then it wasn’t my decision, now was it?

Honestly, and don’t tell him this (and if you’re reading this ALCMDPP, don’t read the rest of this paragraph), I kinda admire him for doing so. For having the courage to get it done, so his wife wouldn’t have to suffer. I don’t if I’ve ever loved someone enough to let someone wield sharp surgical instruments around Lil Polt and The Boys. Eww, I get shudders even thinking of it now…

Anyway, he’s well recovered by now, I should imagine. He was doing pretty well last Saturday when I was over. But since I’m not sure, I think tomorrow night, when I’m over there again for his 30th birthday party, I’ll forego the traditional 30th birthday party kick in the nuts festivities!

POLT Listening to "Where's Your Head At?" by Basement Jaxx

Too much currency in one's pockets prevent clothing from draping properly. - Alfred, Robin #171


Anonymous said...

I had it done when I was 26. Easy peazy. :-) So, sorry, ladies -- no more Dave S. love-children.

Anonymous said...

yikes ..... no body gets near my little fellow. Of course there is no need for me to worry about kids either.


Anonymous said...

No sharp edges go anywhere near pretty much any part of my body except my face and head.

But then, thinking about vasectomy is kind of pointless for we gay people.

Tam said...

Umm, yay for him, I guess. I know lots of guys have issues as you pointed out. I had myself spayed. I prefer to be in charge of my own fertility (or lack thereof) and not rely on someone else. Yeah, they had to knock me out but I didn't find it a big deal. Had it done Friday, back to work Monday.

Ray Avito said...

It could be weird that I sat here with my teeth gritted and legs firmly crossed while reading this until I scrolled that picture out of view...

Anonymous said...

And for the TMI file, I go later this year for mine.

tornwordo said...

Ugh, I saw one on some discovery channel show and it looked like the most horrific operation. Of course the person getting it done doesn't feel anything or see the horror.

Bunny said...

It's NOT a big deal, boys. Dental work is far worse, from what I've been told. Everything still functions, just the spermatozoa can't get into the semen anymore. The supply line is severed, nothing more than that. Same deal when a woman gets her tubes severed (tied is a misnomer). Cuts off the supply line. It's just a bit more invasive since this supply line is deep in the abdomen.)

Being castrated? Now THAT'S emasculating!

Keep in mind that castration is effectively what happens when a woman's ovaries are removed, which is almost routine (though less than it used to be) when the uterus is removed in a hysterectomy - I don't hear a lot sympathy for that, as men would expect if they had their boys REMOVED.