Friday, February 27, 2009

I'm souped like two scoops of funk juice...

I am severely addicted to these little delectable lovelies!

Earlier in the week, I ended up eating like a half bag at one sitting. I've got another bag half full here at home, but on the way home from work, I was craving them so badly I stopped by a supermarket and bought a bag. And opened it and ate them on the way home.

I don't get it, I've had them before without this obsession about them. I don't know what's going on now with it, but I'm just crunching away and enjoying them...even right now as I type this.

POLT Listening to "Orange Crush" by R.E.M.

"I listen to Garmin, not to Polt." "Is that why we went to New Jersey twice today?" - Polt


Tam said...

If you were a girly I'd say PMS, as it is, no clue. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Fritos are the best! I love them too.


Michelle M. said...

I haven't had Fritos in a million years. But they taste great with peanut butter. And now that they're scoopy...

I recommend Tostitos Hint of Lime chips. You don't even need salsa. I call them the "Devil's Chips".

Anonymous said...

Eat them with "Helluva Good Dip" (in any of the flavors) YUMMY!!

Actually I went through a faze last year where I HAD TO HAVE potatoe sticks....I kept that company in business...

Anonymous said...

Dude, you're on a corn chip trip, I can talk you down, just call me. Remember, the taste is an illusion your mind has invented because it believes it can't survive without the corn chip deliciousness. Take control back,keep saying "I will not die if I don't have the scoops". You can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

Take pride in the fact that you managed to stop at half a bag! Those chips have a way of disappearing before you realize it.

tornwordo said...

It couldn't be *gasp* manopause, could it?