Saturday, February 28, 2009

Like a fool i lent my soul to love...

I was trolling around through some blogs that I read occasionally tonight (I was bored, see the next post below), and I came upon this guy's blog who said that for Lent he gave up hitting the snooze button.

I thought this was a good idea, but not being Catholic, I've never had to give up anything for Lent. Being a lazy spoiled only child, I rarely had to give up anything at all...but that's a whole other post. And, since I don't use an alarm clock or a snooze button, can see my dilemma. See, I use the alarm on my cellphone to wake up. Although typically, 5-10 minutes before it's due to go off, I wake up enough to check the time, and then reset the alarm for another 15 minutes-half hour after it what it was originally set for.

So I've decided for Lent this year, that I'm not going to do that anymore. When I set the alarm the night before, that is the time I shall allow the alarm to go to, so that it rings, and so that I then actually get up OUT of bed and start my day. Not 15, 30, 45 minutes later...or more. But if I don't do it, well since I'm not Catholic, there'll be no repercussions, right? (what ARE the repercussions for violating Lent?)

Also, he had posted a chart of his weight since the beginning of the year. Hhe started at 185lbs, dropped as low as 176, but was not back up to 180lbs. Bastard. I've not been that light since I was in high school.

Since last August, when I started changing small thing in my diet to try to lose wieght, I've lost 20 pounds. And since my all time high back over the summer of 2000, I've lost 38 pounds. But I lose motivation sometimes, and don't continually lose (although since August of last year, it's pretty much been a slow, but steady decline). So I've decided, maybe shame can help me continue to lose weight and keep it off.

So starting today, I'll post periodically, but at least once a week, what my weight is. I'll weigh myself on the same scale at work each time, so the results won't be from different scales. This is actually a big deal for me, cause my actual wieght number is one of the few things I'm ashamed about in my life. But I mean, hey I'm fat. Anyone that can see me can see that, right? So it's not like it's a big secret or anything.

At any rate, today at work, I weighed 275 lbs.

Now, we'll see if shame, Lent, guilt, willpower or whatever can keep me doing both of these. or if I'll just wake up tomorrow regretting this whole a few one night stands I've had.

POLT listening to "Perfect Symmetry" by Keane

Uhnn! I hate it when one of me dies. - Multiplex, Suicide Squad #6


Anonymous said...

Wow, that took courage. Props to you, friend, and best wishes as you strive to maintain your progress.

(I had a physical in December, and my doctor chided me to lose at least 10%, ideally 20%. I was at 265 lbs. Cutting back on animal products, rich sauces, gourmet cooking, red wine... uh, no, sorry. Smaller portions, and getting more exercise? Yeah, we'll try that route. But darn it is hard.)

hoteltuesday said...

I told my Catholic friend I was giving up sex and drugs for Lent and she said you have to give up something you actually do. I feel like your idea of waking up at a good time makes sense. I started the semester getting up around 8:30 on days I don't have class/work, but lately I've been getting up closer to 10! So bad.

And my new year's resolution is to gain weight! May we both achieve our weight change dreams.

Tam said...

Good for you. I'm in your boat, its hard sometimes. I don't do Lent, I'm not Catholic and I think its kind of a dumb idea in general, therefore useless for me to do. But good luck with that alarm thing.

Michelle M. said...

I wonder if there are snooze buttons in hell? Since I won't give mine up.

Congratulations on your weight loss. Slow and steady wins the race : ).

Anonymous said...

Three years ago I weighed 289, now I am down to 193, still fat but not as bad.


JW said...

I'm trying to hold my weight down but I won't tell you what my weight is as it'll sound like I'm boasting.

The alarm, though ... I have never used the snooze button; I just tended to turn off the alarm, roll over and fall asleep again.

I've finally solved the problem. I too use my cellphone as my alarm so I've set the most appalling ringtone. And then I put my phone over the other side of the room. That way I have a good incentive to turn the damn thing off, and have to make a real effort to turn it off.

That works. Usually.

Best of luck with your efforts, sir :)

Anonymous said...

Not a snoozer. I usually wake up before the alarm and have such an aversion to it, I like to turn it off before it goes off. As a general rule, once I'm up, I'm up.

As for weight, you are a braver man than I am to post your weight. I constantly have to watch my weight as it goes on really fast and takes too long for it to come off. There is still too much of me around to love, but I keep it under wraps.

Michelle is right, slow and steady wins the race. Keep up the good work!