Monday, February 09, 2009

God knows how you drag out the best and worst in me...

Hearing that the new season of Torchwood is pushed back until summer, I decided to do a Torchwood post, to assuage my withdrawl.

Bearing in mind I haven't seen a Torchwood episode since October, and being in mind I can't watch right now as Dave S. has both of my seasons of Torchwood on DVD (not complaining, I'm just sayin'), I'll have to do this mainly from memory. So if I don't go into exquisite detail, you'll understand. Having said all that, I give you

Polt's Top Ten Episodes Of Torchwood
(in chronological order)


I loved this one because it gave a personality to Ianto, making him more than the team's resident barista. Plus, it tied in nicely with Dr. Who. But what's not love about this episode? The team's locked in the Hub with a creature that wants to kill them, but which Ianto wants to save. And what other series could you see a prehistoric pteradactyl do battle with a futuristic cyborg?


This one is perhaps my favorite of the series, and stands up to repeated viewings. I mean, it's still freaking creepy on the third viewing, even though you know what's gonna happen. There's some great Owen quips in the beginning, and then everything quickly devolves into 'slasher film' chic. Poor Ianto. And who but Jack would save the day with a large piece of farm machinery.

Random Shoes

What American TV series would have an episode almost devoid of the show's stars? Must be a British thing, cause I've noticed these episodes in Dr. Who as well. But man, this one was great. Real emotional. I may or may not have gotten misty eyed during the episode. And I kept wanting the main guy to be okay, but, well, we all knew how it was gonna end, right? Terrific tale, with a lot of emotion.

Out Of Time

Great premise. And a great story about how all three people deal with the situation differently. Especially liked when Ianto is explaining the automatic doors and the woman exclaims "Bananas!" and rushes in to look at the fresh bananas ignoring his lecture. Really a fish out of water episode that made me think about what I'd do in that situation.

Captain Jack Harkness

Of COURSE, this is gonna be here solely for the kiss, but it's also here cause its a damn good story. Very touching, full of emotions, of all kinds. And this is the first episode I ever saw of Torchwood, and it's what got me addicted.


I'll be honest, I don't really remember a lot from this one other than the premise: a normal lady is actually an alien warrior just waiting to be activated. The whole premise is awesome.

To The Last Man

Yet another great premise, and a sad story as well. It also gave Tosh some much needed personality. Sad, as I said, but yet touching. Something Torchwood somehow excels at. And the guy's really pretty cute too.


Gave a whole new face to 'alien', And how could you not feel sorry for it. Yeah, maybe it was a bit too transparent in its analogy to whaling, but still, a unique tale. And I truly felt sorry for the alien about the resolution of the story. but really, what else could be done? Sad and touching yet again.

Something Borrowed

Okay, this one just had me laughing almost from the start. Simply hilarious. Maybe a bit too campy, but even so, the Jack/Ianto dance at the end made up for it all, right?


Basically a 'how it all began' story, but told in typical Torchwood fashion. Was very pleased to see the holes filled in somewhat and get a bit of history on the team...even if some of the team weren't long for the team.

I also have my 5 least favorite episodes:

Small Worlds

I don't really know what turned me off to this one, but the faires as manical evil things just didn't work for me. Frankly, I didn't care about the little girl or her predicament at all.


Owen fight Weevils in a cage to prove he's a man....please. Might have started out as a Torchwood Fight Club kinda thing, but it just didn't work for me at all.


I can't past the idea that one person took over Torchwood and screwed with their heads mentally. I mean, aren't they supposed to be prepared for just this sorta thing? Yeah, I know it changed their personalities, but why do it if they're just gonna go back the way they were at the end? Nope, didn't like it at all.

From Out Of The Rain

Circus performers from a silent film jump off the screen and attack people when it's raining? Okay, maybe it was an interesting premise, but it never came together for me. I was bored.

Exit Wounds

Not a bad story really, but while I was mesmerized by Gray's attractiveness, his villiany seemed forced. And the death of two team members just saddens me. It doesn't seem gratuitious, but still it really bummed me out.

So, you agree, disagree? Let me know.

POLT Listening to "Rock Lobster" by The B-52's

That's because there's not enough sugar in the world to handle the enormity of your penis. - Craig, Puntabulous


hoteltuesday said...

Oh, I'll watch this eventually.

Tam said...

Ohhh, all good choices but out of those I loved

"Random Shoes"
"Countrycide" (weirdness)
"Captain Jack Harkness" (yeah yeah I got snuffly)
"The Last Man" (more snuffling)
"Something Borrowed" (loved Rhys got some action and it was funny)
"Fragments" (great to see the back stories)
"The one where the kids disappear and are living in the asylum" (I think as a parent that one struck home for me, would I rather not know what happened if she disappeared?)

"Meat" freaked me out.
"Cyberwoman" didn't really do it for me. Yeah, Ianto got his big break but he kind of annoyed me, obsess much?
I liked "Cage Match", sort of a suicide by weevil attempt on Owen's part. I was starting to like him by then.

Hopefully summer will come quickly and we can see Season 3.

Anonymous said...

Excellent list. I agree with most of them.

Like Tam, I didn't really care for Cyberwoman, but I loved Adrift (the one with the missing people in the asylum). Countrycide is my all time favorite, followed by Out of Time, They Keep Killing Suzie and Captain Jack Harkness.

I really feel From Out Out The Rain is a great episode, but it is often overlooked.

Craig said...

Great list! I definitely agree with most of your choices. I loathed From Out of the Rain.

But I wasn't crazy about Cyberwoman. It just came off as a bit too silly for me.

I'd add Adrift in its place. I just really liked that episode.