Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm bringing sexy back...

Well, kids, I'm back. More or less.

I have been sick before in my life, I have had the flu several times, but I gotta tell ya, this one, man it knocked me on my fucking ass. This was one of, if not the, worst bout of flu I've had. I didn't eat anything from Sunday night about 7:00 until Tuesday afternoon, when I was able to eat half a bowl of Mama Polt's Homemade Chicken Corn Soup. Later that night I had some toast and tea. Earlier this afternoon, I had another bowl of her soup, and then tonight, I had a bowl of Campbell's Soup. But that's really all I've eaten in four days. Polt, without an appetite...who knew such a thing was even possible? Oh, and what's even crazier, I downloaded no PORN! I had no desire to even look at a naked man???? Who could ever concieve of that occuring???

It started Sunday night, really kicked into gear Monday, was a bit better on Tuesday, and still had me down today. I'm not achey, feverish, or nauseaed now, but I am beat like a bad dog. I have absolutely no energy or motivation to do anything. I think I've spent more time IN bed over this period than out of it. I have been, in short, miserable.

Thank God it's over. I'm gonna try going back to work tomorrow, but I don't know how much I'll accomplish, especially if I'm as exhausted then as I am now. But I'll do what I can, I suppose.

I'll make a few incidental posts today...I have things to post about from the weekend, but again, no motivation to do so yet. So I'll just do the basics and then get back to the sofa for more Law & Order.

POLT Listening to "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse

Anytime you hear someone say it's a win-win situation, they either don't know all the facts or they have a stuttering problem. - Dave Dunseath


Tam said...

Glad you are on the rebound. Hope you feel 100% soon.

Michelle M. said...

I'm glad you're feeling a little more purple and a little less green : ).

Kittie Kate said...

I'm glad you're better.
I've been looking at plenty of naked men. ;)
Looks like you have some catching up to do.

Anonymous said...

Aww Polt, I hope the worst of it lifts soon. I haven't had the flu for many decades.

Instead my curse in life is sinus infections. The sinus infections go on to trigger the ear problems which then triggers the vertigo issues.

I'm on sinus meds pretty much throughout winter and then switch to allergy meds and prednisone in spring.

Antibiotics you say? Nope, docs won't give them to me.