Thursday, February 12, 2009

When I was twelve, at summer camp (Part 17)...

12 for the 12th

This is the brainchild of CHAD. You can go to his site and see all the others that participated.

So this was my day:

Getting ready for work, one of the last things I do before I leave is put on my shoes and of course, tie them.

The view from sitting at my desk right before I left work. Pus yellow walls with baby puke green trim. Lovely.

On my way home from work, I was behind a car that was behing a cop car. Obviously, we weren't traveling too fast.

At a red light, I snapped a photo of my cup holders, holding my cellphone and my iPod instead. Love listening to
MUSE on my home.

On the way home, I called and ordered some Chinese, and then I went to pick it up before I even got home.

The back of my apartment building, as I walk from out off-street parking to my house.

Today it was EXTREMELY windy, rocking the car side to side a few times on the way home. These were trees across the street, I think you can see how hard the wind is blowing them towards the right.

This was my supper: beef & broccoli with pork fried rice, an eggroll, Pepsi, a fortune cookie for desert and "World War Z" to read while I eat. A book about a worldwide zombie infestation may not sound like proper supper fare, but I'm totally engrossed in it!

A buddy and I are starting to play D&D together. It's the first time I've run a game in like 8 years, and it's been 12 years since he's played. But these are the books and stuff I'm using to get the first game up and running. Just doing my homework before we play.

Since today is Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday, I made a littel homage to him, using only face side up pennies.

I had to update my finances...such as they are. So I needed to write down my paycheck, all the checks I've written all the slips from the debit card, and then pay 5 bills...several overdue. I'm not short on cash, I haven't forgotten them, I'm just flat out lazy and didn't feel like doing them until now. Yeah, that's how I roll.

Having complete all that, I made a piping hot cup of green tea, with one pack of Splenda. Curled up in bed with a mug of green tea and a book on zombie infestations...what a perfect evening.

POLT Listening to "The Trial" by Pink Floyd

Why are gay men obsessed with Judy Garland? Because we have excellent taste. - Stephen Rader


Eternal Lizdom said...

My husband read that book. Rather, he listened to the audio of it on a road trip.

And... D&D... another of his passions. He actually works for a thing called True Dungeon- it's a real life D&D game wher eyou travel in groups through various dungeon rooms and do puzzles and such. These guys actually build a dungeon with all kinds of cool effects. They even had a mechanized giant last year!

Anonymous said...

I'm a little funny like that with bank accounts. If I'm making lots of paper I track every penny. Otherwise it's sort of a fuzzy math approach.

The new business account, down to the penny.

13messages said...

A hotel guest turned me onto World War Z last year. I never got around to finishing it, but I loved what I read. Also, I heard a few chapters from the audio version. Awesome!

Your apartment building looks very, very cool. Nice post.

Anonymous said...

ZOMG! World War Z is effing amazing. I had to read it, then listened to the audio book. They have different actors read out each story.

I love the decor of your office //sarcasm. Are you using the new D&D rules? So much has changed... so much.

Dogeared said...

Yeah, that is a delightful colour scheme [doh]. But yay for exciting books! The Chinese looks (and sounds) absolutely delicious!

Anonymous said...

I still joke that I practice "Christian bookkeeping" ("Dear Lord Baby Jesus: Please let there be enough money in my checking account to cover this. Amen.")

I bought World War Z for my partner last year and read it myself (yes, I'm one of *those*). Creeped me out ... he makes it seem so plausible somehow!

Nice 12!

Scooter said...

What a fun day you had! Thanks for sharing it with us.

I love your current wallpaper...WOOF!

Michelle M. said...

Awesome Abe tribute - you are so clever : ).