Thursday, January 21, 2010

cashed my winnings in long ago, settled for silver...

So, after last weekends NFL predictions, it turns out me and one other guy were left in the Loser's Pool at work. And be both decided, instead of going on, to just split the winnings! So I walked out of there today with $210 in my pocket! See, here's a photo!

This is cool not only cause who doesn't like a little extra $200 every so often, but, I need it to recoup my losses: $10 in the Winner's Pool, $25 bucks in the Playoff pool, $10 in the Loser's Pool, $20 (so far) on the Super Bowl boxes thingee, and $10 on the Biggest Loser pool. I'm still in the Playoff Pool ( Go, JETS!), and I won't know if I've won the Super Bowl thingee until the game, but I lost the Winner's Poll. And one of the other guys in the Biggest Loser has already lost 15 pounds! In two and half weeks! So I go no shot in HELL at winning that. But with $75 in expenditures, and $210 in winnings (so far) I'm $135 ahead of the game. Sweet.

POLT Listening to "I'm Alright" by Lindsay Buckingham


Tam said...

Nice. Extra money is always a bonus. Good luck on anything outstanding you can win. My lottery ticket was a non-winner today. :-(

Anonymous said...

The one time I actually bet on a sporting event was the Patriots vs. the Bears back in the 1980's. I made $350 (And I only bet $20)on that because I accurately predicted that the Pats would loose and that it would be a 36 point spread.

I used to watch a bit of football in the day and I knew the Pats sucked. The 36 point spread, that was just a lucky guess though I do have a talent for spotting patterns.