Monday, January 18, 2010

The more I laugh, the more i fill with glee...


Yeah, what can I say that's not been said before?

I missed the premiere episose when it first aired last spring. I missed the re-airing of it last fall. And then, since I was behind already I didn't want to watch any of it until I could watch it all at once. This weekend the first disc arrived from Netflix. Due to NFL playoffs, I couldn't watch it until today.

This afternoon at roughly 2:30, I popped it in the VCR. And by 6:00, I had a copy of the entire first half of the first season in my hands. After watching the first four episodes, I NEEDED to see the rest of it. And right away. So I got myself ready, found a Wal-Mart gift card I didn't even know I had (SWEET!), drove right out there and bought it. And now I'm in the midst of a Glee-a-thon.

The show had me from the very first uttered line: "You think this is hard? Try water-boarding. That's hard." I've got a few comments: I'm only half way through, and I'm already tired of some storylines. I want the wife to just go away. She adds nothing to the mix. I want to see more of the 'secondary' characters. I know nothing about Tina except she's Asian and stutters. I don't even know the name of the wheelchair kid. I want to know more about the Asian 'pop and lock' dancer...mainly cause he's kinda cute. I know nothing about Mercedes background except her dad's a dentist. I mean, Fin and Rachel and Quinn and Puck are nice and all (especially Puck with his mohawk and pierced nipple and hard body and etc, etc, etc), but I want to hear more about the others. Maybe all this will change in future epsidoes, at least I hope it does.

While some of the stuff veers clearly into totally unbelievable land, the writing is some of the funniest and crispest I've heard since The West Wing. Jane Lynch is a GEM in this show, love her! I've decided, after her guest appearance, that I now want to have Kristin Chenowith's children, as many as she wants to have; even naturally, without medication, should she so desire. And Will has some pretty awesome biceps.

Now, back to the show.

POLT Listening to "Glee"

Jesse Helms and Trent Lott, two of the finest minds of the 12th century. - Paul Begala


Michelle M. said...

Yay! You are one of us...
One of us...
One of us...

Tam said...

You do get some more info on some of the other kids, Asian girl and wheelchair boy. Arrgghh. I can't remember their names. Not much on Asian boy though. It's a fun show and you don't watch it for the realism, pure escapism.

john said...

One of us! One of us! I told you guys on Hotel Tuesday that our corner kicks ass!

Artie is the guy in the wheel chair. I don't know the Asian guy's name other than Sue calling him "other Asian".

Tam hit the nail on the head: pure escapism. Plus it is pretty funny. I can't wait to see where they go next.

hoteltuesday said...

Isn't "Take A Bow" the best musical number of all?! LOVE LEA!!!

And the storylines are never really original, so you just gotta ignore that and listen to the sweet sounds of Lea Michele. And btw, I think Finn is a pretty bad singer so let me know your opinion!

Polt said...

Punkin: Lea, that's the Rachel chick, right? If so, the number of hers I liked the best was "Don't Rain On My Parade" in the finale. Damn, that showed just how strong her lungs were!

And Finn sings? really. I just kinda sit there, look at him and zone out, lost in the sexxykopterzsammich that IS him. :) I kid, I KID! I don't do that with Finn! I do that with Puck! :)