Friday, January 01, 2010

Reviewed my past through wicked windows framed in silver...

So now that it's a new year, and since I NEVER make New Year's Resolutions (I don't feel guilty about doing something that I would have made a resolution against if I don't make the resolution itself) at this point in time, I choose to get reflective about the past year. And, as I've done in the last few years, I've made a list of the Top Ten Things from 2009. These are not the necessarily all good things, but their things that had the biggest influence on my own personal 2009. And a good portion of them also were fun, funny, or very enjoyable. So without further ado, I give you: Polt's 2009 Year In Review (note the rhyme there)!

(There's a tie for 10, I couldn't cull the list to ten, so I just made it a tie for number 10)

10a. Movies That Didn't Suck
Here in include The Watchmen and Star Trek. I had fears about both of them being substandard and a waste of time and potential. But instead, both of them actually exceeded my expectations. And Star Trek, I cannot believe how smoothly they created a whole new universe of possibilities without ignoring or ret-conning everything that had gone before.

10b. My Cousin's Wedding
I was asked to be a groomsman in my cousin Jaime's July wedding, which was not only a great honor but also a great surprise. I'm not terribly close to Jaime, hence the surprise. But it was a fun time, and she married a great guy who I like and who's a very welcome addition to the family. And I didn't trip in front of everyone while wearing my tux, so that's a plus too.

9. A 'Lil Bit TIPsy Phone Call'
Craiggers of Puntabulous had made a comment about what graphic novels to read since he had finished the Watchmen. I got three of them and mailed them to him. And soon there after, near midnight, I got a call. From Craig to thank me for them. And he was, in his own words, 'jus a lil bit TIPsy'. It was the most fun I have had on the phone in my whole entire life! It was a hilarious conversation that I spent more time laughing during than talking. Click on the link for the whole conversation, and laugh along.

8. Mom's Surgery
In March, mom had arthroscopic surgery on her knee. It was quite a stressful time, for both of us. Her obviously moreso than me, but I was stressed too over everything. Despite a rough time the day after the surgery, mom was using a crutch two days later, and totally without problems but a little stiffness a week later. For 66 years old, she's amazingly recuperative. It still gives her a slight problem every once in a while, but otherwise, she's had no adverse effects.

7. My Health
This past year, I continued losing weight, and since August of 2008, I've lost a total of 35 pounds. I'm glad that I continued losing, and need to continue to do so (and that's the closest I'll get to a Resolution). Also, in February, I got hit with the worst case of the flu that I think I have EVER had in my life. It kicked my ass. I was in absolute misery for three and a half days, from Sunday night until sometime on Wednesday when I started feeling better. I hope I never, ever, EVER get that sick again.

6. A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking
I've been friends with ALCMDPP for about 9 years now. We've grown to be closer friends in the last few years. But this past year, we've grown much closer. We've done a lot together this year, seen movies, gone out to eat, bought each other gifts, he's had me over to his house to eat with his family several times for meals that he himself cooked, I was the only non-family member he invited to his school's concert last month, he held a 40th birthday party for me few years back, together we went to White Castle in New Jersey. And in all this we had a helluva a lot of fun. But I feel, in the last few months, we've become more than just that. We can talk about things, like our emotions, and relationship issues, and such that we didn't before. He's grown from being a friend to a good friend, to a damn good friend to a confidant. And along the way, we didn't lose the fun either.

5. Lost My Desktop
Back in mid-August, my desktop went on the fritz. Well, more than that, it actually crashed. Couldn't access it ALL. I still had my laptop I bought in Dec. 2008, thank God, and I used that to get online and make posts and read email and download porn and such. But, on that desktop, I lost so much shit. I had gotten in the practice of storing my photos on Flickr, but sill I lost a few family photos. All last year, I took a photo of myself each day to put into a movie (that's forthcoming) but I lost half a month's photos in it. I also lost a lot of documents: lists of quotes I had compiled and letters and things of that sort. That's the part that sucks the most. Still, I'll be getting a brand new up to date desktop sometime this year, so that's a positive.

4. AJ's Suicide
In February, my good friend AJ shot and killed himself. It was quite a blow at the time. I felt guilt, sorrow, recriminations, sadness, disappointment, anger, disbelief and whole host of other emotions. I still think of him frequently. There's a box in the basement with a few of this shirts, underwear and baseball caps that he left at my apartment. I couldn't get rid of them when I moved, even though I can't wear them. I don't know that I'll ever be able to get rid of them. I've got a lighter he left in my apartment in my one bedroom. I've got a pack of cigarettes he left in my car still in my glovebox. I know, were he alive, he would have helped me move and he would have been all excited about me buying the house, and he would have been here quite a bit. By keeping the clothes and lighter and such, I feel as if he IS here. I wish there was more I could do, could HAVE done, but at any rate, I just hope he's at peace.

(the next two, I truly couldn't decided between, so once more, it's a tie)

2a. The First Great Puntabumeetup
In October, Dave S. came to visit and then we went to New York City to meet up with 8 other Puntabulous commentors. What a thrill that was! So much awesomeness ensued! I got to meet, in person, all those people that I had only known through the ether of the Interwebs: Kari, Chris D, FDot, Enrickyricardo, David, Sassy Josh, Jere, and of COURSE Craiggers himself! Spending several hours with them on Saturday night was the highlight of the trip, and damn near THE most awesome single event of the whole entire year! But in addition to that, I sang karaoke for the first time, spent the day after walking all over NY with FDot and Jere, experienced Times Square, rode the subways, got to hang out several days with Dave S., discovered how easy it is to get to NY with Amtrak, and had an awesome Italian meal our last night there. I never in my wildest dreams at the beginning of the year could have imagined that I'd see Dave S. again, get to spend time visiting New York City AND meet all those wonderful people! Truly a magical trip.

2b. Toronto
In April, I returned to Toronto for the first time in 18 months (when for several years, I went twice a year). I went with my buddy Michelle and I had absolutely THE best time there. We had sucha great time we spontaneously, on-the-spot decided to stay an extra day.We did so much that I'd never done before: visited the islands, walked around Bradford PA together, walked around Toronto together, ate at new places. I got to meet Tam in person for the first time, which was awesomeness itself. I met my cute little Asian buddy Ed up there and we spent and incredible evening with each other, ealking all over Toronto, talking, getting a meal, just having a wonderful time together. And, of course, I met Enrique. Michelle and I are talking about maybe going back again some time this year. Even if we do though, it's gonna be tough to top this trip. God, I love Toronto.

1. My House
Buying the house has been the biggest thing in my life, the biggest thing to affect my life, in not just this year, but in the last...well, maybe ever. And everything involved with it pretty much dominated the entirety of the latter part of the year. On June 1st, I decided to look into seeing if I could buy a house. In late July I made an offer on a second house. I went to settlement and signed the paperwork the end of August. I spent the month of September packing up the apartment and getting everything moved into the house. And then, on September 28th, I formally moved into the house. I had such stress, worrying if I could afford a house, worrying if I was going to get either of the homes I put and offer on, worrying about the move, getting the house prepared in time, getting everything packed in time, getting everything set up here, and other issues around the house that those of you who know me personally know about, but which I'll not go into here. In the span of seven days in September, I lost 10 pounds with the worry. The day of the move, mom thought I might actually have a stroke as worked up as I was. And now that I'm here, I have to worry about the electric bill, and fixing anything when it breaks and just every little thing here is now MY problem. Still, don't get me wrong, I've very glad I bought the house and don't regret it for a moment.

And as my mortgage is for 30 years, this particular event of 2009 will be affecting my life until 2039, hence, why this is my #1 event for the year.

POLT Listening to "Dr. Who: The Sound Of Drums"

"Would you sleep with me for a million bucks?" "Sure!" "How about for ten bucks?" "What do you think I am, a whore?" "We've already established what you are, we're just haggling over price." - An Arrow's Flight


Tam said...

Some ups some downs. Typical for most of us although buying a house it pretty hard to top. :-)

I'll always remember your story about your Mom on that scooter thing in Walmart after her surgery. Still makes me giggle.

Wishing you many more ups than downs in 2010.

Mark said...

Wow, it seems like your drunk call from Craig happened much longer ago. Time Fly's!

that's J-O-S-H said...

35 lbz?! Congratz! Here's to 2010 be full of many more ups and many less downs.

hoteltuesday said...

I'm glad that meeting me was so important for you! I can't wait until our top-secret meeting of 2010 that you still don't know about... haha...