Saturday, January 02, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new...

So, David Tennant's turn as Doctor Who is now over.

The final episode? One word comes to mind: ponderous. It seemed overblown, full of itself, and too long. Oh, I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but the first hour or so paled in comparison to the last episode of the Donna Noble season.

However, the last fifteen, twenty minutes of the episode? Brought a tear to my eye, it did. Pretty much visited every companion he had over the four years. Was nice how they brought Rose in, wasn't sure how they were gonna do that and keep the continuity.

I especially loved the Capt. Jack part. Reminded me of the Cantina scene from the first Star Wars film, what with all the different creatures. I was trying to name as many as I could. And then there Alonzo. Man, I DO certainly hope they can bring him into Torchwood! I LOVED that character in the one episode he was in. And I like the actor was well. The two roles I've seen him in, he's played a nervous character, one that's nervously funny. I think they would go well in Torchwood. but then I was convinced after that last Donna Noble episode, Mickey and Martha Jones would both be joining Torchwood, so what do I know, really?

And this was the first time I saw a Doctor regenerate real time. I mean, the last one, I saw him regenerate when I was rewatching the Doctor Who seasons, but I had already seen some of the new Doctor Who, so it didn't mean that much. This time, yeah, I felt sorry for him. I may or may not have shed a tear there as well.

Overall, it was a very satifying conclusion to Tennant's tenure. And now I anxiously look forward to the new Doctor's exploits!

POLT Listening to "Let Down" by Radionhead

"You know me? I'm flattered!" "Dont' be, I know far too many people." - Damon Tryp, X-Factor #6


Tam said...

OMG, exactly, Cantina scene from Star Wars. I've not really watched much Dr. Who (except in the olden days, the guy with the long scarf) but it was on a marathon on space so I watched it. Seeing all the old companions didn't mean much but I did like seeing Captain Jack. It was sad.

I was watching the one on Mars, with the water people before this and I had just watched the first season of UK QAF on youtube and the Australian guy was on that too. I kept expecting him and the Dr. to start getting freaky. No luck though. :-)

john said...

I totally agree. I liked it, but I found it a bit of a let down when it was all said and done. I'm not too sure how I feel about Mickey and Martha as Martha was engaged to an MD, but I can understand that she may have gotten closer to Mickey over time.

I also liked how they worked in Rose, but she looks so much older now. I think it was because she, well *is* older, but also thinner and not as made up.

The jury is still out on Matt Smith, but I will give him a try to see how he does.