Tuesday, January 19, 2010

To knock on the lavatory door, accusing me of ruining the fun...

So this morning and afternoon Mom came down and helped me around the house with some things and then we went to do some shopping for some things I needed (curtains, bedsheets, wastebasket, runners, etc, etc, etc). And as always, its always an adventure when one goes anywhere with Mama Polt.

The shopping itself was rather uneventful, other than we didn't get everything we needed. But we also decided to eat while we were out. We finished eating and were sitting there ready to go and she said she had to use the bathroom. I pointed over her shoulder showing her where they were. There was a small alcove with two door on either side going to the bathrooms.

She got up, I leaned back to easier scope out one hot young black guy with an ass to make JLo sit up and notice, who was there with his wife/gf and their adorable baby, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something.

I swung my head around just in time to see mom's back going into the MEN'S ROOM! I clamped my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing hysterically. I expected her to come running back out when she figured it out, like maybe as soon as she saw the urinal! But she didn't come out.

The doors faced each other, I was perpendiuclar to them, so I couldn't acutally see the doors. But I knew that was the men's room, I had used it at that restaurant before myself. Perhaps, I thought, they switched the rooms, even though that seemed unlikely. I got up and took a step over to see, and yep, there was a sign with the man sillouette on it and the word MEN underneath it. So I just sat there, laughing into my hand so hard I was crying. I thought perhaps I should to and prevent any other guy from going in. But thought better of it. How funny would that be if it happened?

After a short while she came out and was smiling a bit.

Mom: Why didn't you tell me -
Polt: Yeah? *giggle*
Mom: That I needed to comb my hair before we left?
Polt: *doubletake* What?
Mom: I saw it in the mirror, it's a mess.
Polt: *double doubletake* What?
Mom: My hair. It's a mess.
Polt: .......Mom, was anything strange in the bathroom?
Mom: No, why?
Polt: Nothing strange, like a urinal or something?
Mom: Why would there be a urinal in the ladies room?
Polt: You weren't in the ladies room.
Mom: Of course I was.
Polt: No, you weren't.
Mom:*questioning look* That wasn't the ladies room?
Polt: *pointing over her shoulder* NO! It was the men's room!
Mom: *looking over her shoulder, then getting up and taking a step to see, realization flooding her face* That wasn't the ladies room!
Polt: Ya think?

Oh, her face turned red, and she laughed and laughed. She said she wondered why the seat was up on the toilet, but she just put it down and did her business. And she swore she didn't see a urinal, even though I know there's urinal's in there!

I told that apparently she's reached the age where she can't be trusted to go to the bathroom alone in public. But the whole incident led to so much laughing, and crying, on her part, she had to pee again before we left. And thankfully THIS time, she used the ladies room!

POLT Listening to "I Fought The Law" by the Clash

Look, I'm 40, I'm single, and I work in musical theater - you do the math. What do you need, flash cards? - Nathan Lane


Tam said...

OMG, I have to meet this woman. I just shared this with the kidlet and we are killing ourselves laughing. Your Mom is a riot

john said...

That was an AWESOME story!! I love Mama Polt, she is the BEST!