Saturday, January 30, 2010

Murphy's law will get ya, he's on his way...

Murphy's Law is alive and in full effect.

I heard there was a chance we could get snow Friday night into Saturday morning. I got up to go to work Saturday morning and looked outside and saw no snow. I've been wearing this black shows to work all week, they have a thick sole, but they make my feet sweat. So i thought, "today, I'll just wear my good pair of brown shoes, just to be different, since it's not snowing."

As I'm driving to work, I realized my car insurance was due yesterday, and I forgot to pay it. I thought to myself, "I can pay it Monday morning, that won't be a problem, but I'll have to make sure I'm extra careful today and don't get into an accident. At least it's not snowing."


About 11:30 in the morning today, it started snowing. Great, just great.

So as I'm going to my car, and I remember, I've left my gloves IN the car. I don't want to get snow inside the car, so I have to use my bare hand to brush the snow off the top of the car door and down it's side. What a great feeling that is. Then, as I'm shaking my hand to get the snow and water off, my ring flies off my hand. I hear it hit the car next to me, rebound off, and that's it. Can't see it anywhere. A silver ring in an inch and a half of snow. Oh yeah, great day so far.

I clean the car off, walking through the snow that covers my shoes and lets the snow leak inside my shoes giving me wet socks for the ride home. The only real good part is that I stepped on the ring and crushed all the snow on it down around it. And then I saw it and pulled it up and out of the snow (thinking as I did so how Gollum would hiss "my presssssiousssss").

Well, I guess the other good thing was I made it home without a bit of trouble. Got Miss Cleo home and parked safely. Didn't even slip while walking through the snow with shoes with no traction. I guess, in the end, it wasn't such a bad deal after all. But the time, it sure felt like anything that could go wrong, was.

POLT Listening to "Stockholm Syndrome" by Muse

This isn't gonna have a happy ending, ya know? It's not possible. - Someset, Se7en


Anonymous said...

Dang, I think we have a new name for you. I kept waiting for the part where you got in an accident. Glad that didn't happen.

Tam said...

Whew, I was afraid you were going to say you got in an accident. Glad you made it home safely, even with wet feet.