Friday, January 15, 2010

Take my hamster to the beach, you make me wanna ...

fI was in a local Ollie's Bargain Oulet recently (they buy stuff in bulk and sell it at super cheap prices) and I always have to peruse the book section. There's no organization to it, but I can usually find some good deals. I mean, if I book's a dollar or two, I'll buy it. Even if I'm not interested in it, what am I out?

So whilst rummaging through that, I saw this:

And a smile immediately crossed my face, cause the first thing to pop into my mind was Richard Parker! I'll grant you, the little guy on the cover is kinda cute, but no one tops Richard Parker in the cuteness.

POLT Listening to "What I Got" by Sublime

If the models get any younger they'll be chucking fetuses down the catwalk. - Patsy Stone, Absolutely Fabulous


FunWithGrindr said...

I didn't know hamsters were so essential. I *knew* there was something missing in my life!

hoteltuesday said...

Of course not!

And it's Richard Parker's birthday is less than a month! EXCITING!