Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I'll give you fish, i'll give you candy...

I've lived in the house for three months and one week, and I finally used the oven. Oh, I've used the stove top to make pasta and cups of tea and hot chocolate, but I hadn't used to oven itself. I pretty much just use the microwave or get carry out, leaving the oven cold, unused and possibly feeling inferior and left out.

Oh, but no longer! Over the weekend, on the way home from work I stopped by the grocery store to get some things, and I picked up a package of fish fillets. And that evening, I cooked the six of them in the oven itself. And they were deliciously yummy!

They don't particularly LOOK deliciously yummy, but believe me when I say they were nom-ilicious!

I told mom, and she actually applauded (she laughed too, but she did so while applauding). Then she asked me if the oven was self cleaning, and it was MY turn to laugh out loud. If I only use the oven four times a year, how often will I have to clean it? In fact, will it even get dirty enough to BE cleaned?

POLT Listening to "Countdown With Keith Olbermann"

The body is meant to be seen, not covered up. - Marilyn Monroe

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