Tuesday, January 05, 2010

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 168)...

TMI Tuesdays

Would you rather.....
1. A relaxing vacation or an adventurous trip? I can't have both? Like relax one day, have an adventure the next, have a relaxing adventure the third day, and so on?
2. Get a perfect nights sleep or have amazing sex? Oh, the sex, definitely. I'll have PLENTY of nights to get good sleep, amazing sex is a rarer thing.
3. Be intimate with the lights on or off? Doesn't matter to me, I've done both in probably equal amounts. Although I prefer to see my partners reactions, smile, facial expressions, etc.
4. Your S/O be a terrible kisser who could always make you orgasm or an amazing kisser who could never make you orgasm? Oh, I DO love kissing so much. But then orgasming is pretty damn awesome too. Hmm, I think I'd have to say the amazing kisser, cause I can always bring myself to pretty good orgasm, but I can't kiss myself at all.
5. Date someone much younger or much older than you? I've dated much younger than me, twenty years younger. While I wouldn't be opposed to an older guy, I certainly don't want one twenty years older than me! He'd be damn near ready for Social Security. No, I'll go with the younger.
Bonus (as in optional): Which reality show would you be good at? Why? Anything where I didn't have to actually DO anything, like the Real World or something. All your gotta do there is drink a lot, bitch about your housemates, and get into melodramatic, over the top, arguements. I can do that real easy.

POLT Listening to "The Show Must Go On" by Queen

Be reasonable. Do it MY way. - Jackie Snook

1 comment:

Tam said...

But then you could quite your job and live off his pension. HAHAHAHA Shit, I better be careful if any young ones start sniffing around me, it's getting near that point.