Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mother do you think they'll like this song...

Just an update on mom, for all those concerned:

Last night when I got home from work, i called her. She said she was doing fine. She said the night before was pretty bad. She threw up eight times and she was running to the bathroom all evening long. In fact, she didn't make it sometimes. She had to wash poop out of three sets of clothes and one throw rug. One time, she was in the process of sitting down and the poop came flying out...all over the seat the back of the toilet, the wall, the floor. So there she was, cleaning up runny poop, with a fever and feeling like crap herself, and she was gagging and ended up puking because she was doing all that. She even threw up ice chips that she had been eating just so she didn't get dehydrated.

She finally went to bed about 10:30, and only slept fitfully all night. But the next morning, when she go up at like 6:30, her fever had broken and she felt better. Totally exhausted, but not sick anymore. And she was spending all day yesterday just lying around the house recooperating. She said it's been ten years at least since she's been that sick.

I'm just glad it was a one day thing, and that she's better.



Craig said...

Oh no! Poor mom! Glad she's feeling better though.

Tam said...

Oh no, that sounds awful. It sounds a bit like some kind of food poisoning that passes quickly. Glad she is feeling better.

Ray Avito said...

I'm very happy to read she's feeling better. That had to have been trying for her.

john said...

Ugh, the poor woman. I'm glad it was a brief illness, but wish she didn't have to experience that at all.

Michelle M. said...

Yikes. Hope she's feeling 100% soon.

hoteltuesday said...

Being sick is lame. I'm glad she has healed!