Friday, January 15, 2010

Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me (Part 200)...

Frenching Fridays
No theme this week, just random liplockings.

POLT Listening to "Getting Better" by The Beatles

I'm fat, black, cranky and menopausal! You do NOT want to mess with me. - Amanda Waller, Suicide Squad #1


that's J-O-S-H said...

Flashing pit hair?! Ugh...sick! Why do peepz think that that's hottttterskatez?!

Tam said...

Some friends and I have determined that the new hotness is the "almost kiss" as depicted in said photo. VERY hot. That moment before contact. Sigh.

Your kisses are nice today too though.

FunWithGrindr said...

Someone caught Matt and I doing this and posted it on Facebook. :P We both immediately untagged it. lol