Monday, October 06, 2008

This morning, about 11:00, I went to the Credit Union. I had recieved my check for the $50 rebate on the copier I bought, and I had rolled up $29 dollars worth of loose coins. I put them all in my savings account.

Then I transferred $295.93 from my savings account and paid off my car loan. After a little under 5 years, I now own it all myself. And my major debt load is gone. I have 4 credits cards with a total of $130 on them, which I shall pay before the end of the month, and at that time, I will be totally and completely DEBT FREE!!!


This is the first time since....well, since I don't know, probably 15 years or so that I will be totally and completely out of debt and not owe anyone anything. How sweet a feeling that is.

POLT Listening to "More Than This" by Roxy Music Oil: 89.01 (-4.21); Gas: 3.38 (-.01)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +6.4
So far as I've been able to discover, nobody, regardless of station, gets over high school. - Meg Greenfield, Washington


tornwordo said...

Time to buy a house! They are total bargains I hear nowadays.

lime said...

zero is a great feeling in this case....and i envy you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on that! I've had to cut the magnetic stripes off my cards because of my complete lack of willpower when it comes to spending.

Anonymous said...

Or buy a new car. I hear dealers are having a very hard time right now since consumer and business credit is so tight.

I'm jumping with glee because I'm just about to buy a new car. I'll be paying cash thank you very much.

And the real estate market is collapsing such that in a couple years I'll probably pickup a multi-unit property for a song.

Future is so bright I gotta wear shades.

Doug said...

That's awesome news, Polty! You're in the perfect position to weather our economic crisis. Debt-free is a great way to be.

My adventures said...

Debt free here too! Poor as a churchmouse but debt free! Ha!