Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oh, where did you go, ohio?...

Hey kids! Uncle Polt's taking a vacation! Yep, the first one since October of 2006. Where am I going to, you ask? Columbus Ohio!

Why am I going to Columbus Ohio you ask? Work? No. Visit family? No. Make a porno? Heavens no. Attend a college football game? Nope, all those are good guesses, but ultimately wrong.

I'm going to Columbus Ohio to see....the one, the only...Dave S. himself!!! Spending the whole extended weekend in a city I've never been to before in a state I've never been to before with a guy I've never met before in person. How sweet is THIS deal????

WHY am I going there? Why to give Dave S. my support in something he's undertaking. Something which I'm sure he'll have a BLAST doing, but one because of which he's nervous and anxious and sleep-deprived. Never fear though, for Uncle Polt will be there to help him get through it...and make sure he has a FABulous time! (more details later....)

So I've prepared several daily posts and have them scheduled to go. Every day you check back here, something new will be here. but I won't be around much to the blogs I read daily and comment on. I'll get back into the swing of things next week.

Have a great weekend, kids, I know I will! And I'll be back soon. Everyone play nice, pick up after yourself, put coasters under your drinks, and don't prop your feet up on the coffee table, okay?

POLT Listening to "Song 2" by Blur

If you ask me, nobody makes a better woman than a gay man. - Emmett, Queer As Folk


Stephen R. said...

Safe travel and have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, intrigue... Here's hoping you have a blast!