Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby, baby, it's a wild world....

Okay, now this (in addition to the hot guys, smart dialogue, interesting and unique characters, oh, and the hot guys) is one reason why I LOVE 'Skins'.

If you don't watch the show, you won't know the characters or what's going on. Allow me to give you a bit of background. The episode is culminating in high tensions over several things: Tony, the guy in the green sweater, is finally calling and telling his ex, Michelle (the chick in the toilet), that he loves her; Sid (the kid with glasses) has just realized this episode he loves Cassie (the blond), and has been trying to find her to tell her, but he's JUST found out she's leaving town; Chris (the kid in the orange plaid, staring in the window) just found out hte lady he loved Angie (the woman in the window) has a fiance. It's all very angsty and high drama....

And then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, Tony gets hit with a car, and you're thinking oh my GOD, what next? And then THIS happens.

At first, I was like WHAAAAA? But then, I just smiled, and started laughing a bit. And then I sung along. I mean, it's crazy, right, totally unexpected! But THAT'S Skins! And at the end...I actually cheered a bit. Oh, and it's my understanding it's the actual cast members singing as well.

I wish American TV would make shows like this and not stupid reality shows about selfcentered vapid people just wanting their 15 minutes of fame (Project Runway excluded, of course).

POLT Listening to "Hoops" by the Chemical Brothers

Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable with seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? - Ernest Gaines?


Doug said...

Very intriguing. I've setup my Tivo to record it, but I fear I've missed a lot already. I wonder if the show is out on DVD.

Polt said...

yeah, you've missed like the whole first season, I think. And I'm not aware of it being on DVD, cause when it is, I'm buying it! :)


Anonymous said...

That looks like an interesting show for sure. I will have to wait till it is out on DVD, we only get basic cable.
