Monday, October 27, 2008

Your bodies, the more the merrier point and spray...

I've planned an Obama Victory Party for election night. It started out with just one friend, but now it's up to seven people total, and had to be moved to another friend's house as I really can't comfortably accomodate 7 people in my apartment.

Is this a bit presumptious? Yeah, probably. But I've seen in some news blogs, they've all but called it for Obama. It's not a matter now, apparently, of IF he'll win, but a matter of how much. I suppose McCain and still pull a rabbit out of his hat, and if he does, it will undboubtedly be THE biggest comeback in presidential history. And in that case, I'm gonna need friends around me to commiserate with, so the party is on regardless.

I just read two things before I started this post: Senator Stevens of Alaska was found guilty on seven counts in his trial. His Democratic opponent was already a bit ahead in the polls, but this is probably gonna seal the doom of Stevens, and assure the Democrats of that Senate seat. And they're reporting that Saxby Chambliss in Georgia is in trouble. This one, this Senator, I want to see go down, and go down HARD! This is the scumbag who, in 2002, painted then Senator Max Cleland as a traitor, coward and unpartiotic because Cleland voted against the 'Patriot Act'. Cleland was also a Vietnam vet who lost two legs and an arm in the war, while Chambliss got deferments to remain stateside and out of danger. It was an underhanded, slimy, disgusting campaign, and if Chambliss goes down, I swear to GOD I will dance a jig of glee upon hearing the news, regardless of what happens in the presidential contest.

So if you're in South Central Pennsylvania, or Western Maryland, on election night, let me know, I'll give you directions to the party. The more the merrier, ya know?

POLT Listening to "99 LuftBallons" by Nena

"What's the cure for being gay?" "Bowling. These gay guys have to start doing something manly." - Arthur, Maude

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for Osama Bin Laden to be pulled out of a hole sometime during the next week....