Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oops, I did it again, Day 7....

Less than a week to go before the election, and the Republicans have to spend money advertising in Montana. Montana!!!

Less than a week to go before the election, and McCain has had to start robocalls in Arizona, his own home state! He's only up on Obama by 2-5 points. In Arizona!!!

Less than a week to go before the election, and Georgia, of all places, has been moved into the Toss-Up column by the right-leaning RealClearPolitics. McCain is up in Georgia 4.2 points, which is less than Obama's up in Ohio (5.8), Colorado (7.2), Virginia (7.6), or even McCain's "battleground" state of Pennsylvania (11 points). In other words, McCain's closer to losing Georgia (or Arizona, for that matter) than Obama is to losing Ohio, Colorado, Virginia or Pennsylvania!!!

POLT Listening to "Money" by Pink Floyd

You only need to win by one vote, all the rest is ego. - Toby Zeigler, The West Wing

1 comment:

Bunny said...

There are even optimistic folk here in S.C. who think Obama can take S.C. I don't think it will happen, but wouldn't it be cool if it did. I think Obama will take the Charleston metro area and possibly Columbia, but most of the rest of the state will go McCain. Small majority-black towns may go Obama, but those folks are seriously outnumbered by the crackers who dominate most small towns.