Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Lost Weekend, Part 6a...

The Photos!

Now I know, everyone dying to see the Fashion show shots. And I understand that, but you gotta understand, it's late, there's 119 of them, I'm tired, I have to work tomorrow, blogger's been on the rag, and I love enticing people to come back here, keeping them anxious as it were, so...I don't know if I feel like dealing with the photos this evening. I'll work on them tomorrow after I get off work. If all goes well, tomorrow night, they'll be up for your perusal and enjoyment.

Until then....

POLT Listening to "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley

"My mom said girls like guys with a sense of humor." "But you're not funny." - Bill, Freaks & Geeks

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