Saturday, October 11, 2008

Maybe you're a sinner into your alternate life...

Today, after work, I had some errands to run. One of them took to me to Sam's Club. I needed to get candy for work. I have the 'candy mug' in my office, and co-workers stop in throughout the day and have a piece or two. And some of them even donate to the cause. But nonetheless, I was running low, and I like to get the bulk candy, it lasts longer.

Well, after spending a half hour in Sam's I left...leaving $181 in the register there! Geez, I had no idea I had THAT much stuff! As I walked along, I kept finding more and more stuff that I wanted, until I had that much in the cart. damn good thing I'm debt free now, ya know?

Anyways, one of the finds I have is THIS little ditty:

I hadn't even heard of this before I saw it today! It's got ALL the alternative universe episodes from ALL the Star Trek seriess. Of course, it's got the Mirror Universe (from the ST:TOS, ST:DS9, AND ST:Enterprise!) episodes, but in addition, it has one of my favorite ST:TNG episodes; Parallels, wherein Worf keep shunting into more and more different universes! AND it's got what I consider THE Best ST:TNG episode EVER: Yesterday's Enterprise, wherein the Enterprise-C comes forward in time, and Tasha Yar is back on board!

It's also got several other episodes that I don't recall from the various series, but I'm sure I'll recognize them as soon as they start playing.

My only disappointment is that they don't have the Year Of Hell two-parter from ST:Yoyager. I always did like that one, and it sorta fits this whole motif. But eh, whatever. I might even have to take a break from the 6th Season of the West Wing to watch these!

After this, I had to go to the mall, and I gotta ask, why is it that the hottest guys always work at the cell-phones kiosks in the middle? ALL the different and various ones have just the most drool-worthy guys working there. Not complaining, mind you, just wondering.

POLT Listening to "One Step Too Far" by Dido, featuring Faithless

America is a great country. It's just not ruled by great people. - Damon Albarn from Blur, 2001

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam's Club is owned by Wal-Mart, so the trend just carries over. It seems impossible to go into Wal-Mart for a few specific things without coming out with a cart full!!!!