Tuesday, October 28, 2008

An utterance, information, don't mince words

TMI Tuesdays

1. Who and when was your first crush? Hmm, my first celebrity crush was Leif Garrett, probably back in 1977, 78 or 79. In Kindergarten, 1973, I had a crush on our student teacher Miss Stoudt. She also ended up being my fourth grade teacher, although I was over my crush by then.
2. Who and when was your first date? I honest to God don’t remember my first ‘official’ date. Maybe Michelle when I was a senior in high school. We went to see Pretty In Pink, and I got to feel her up a bit.
3. Who and when was your first kiss? I just posted about this not long ago: in 4th grade, a girl named Kristi, in my aunt’s backyard, about 1977, but it was rather...chaste and innocent. My first passionate 'real' kiss was with Wayne, in middle school, this would have been about 1982.
4. Who and when was your first partner while "fooling around" in car? Michelle and I got all hot and heavy in the backseat when we were dating…1985 probably.
5. Who and when was your first partner while "fooling around" in a house? Kathy, in 1984, in my house, while my parents were asleep upstairs and two of our friends where in another room watching tv.
6. Who and when was your first love? I think Tim was my first real love relationship. This woulda been about 1999. Everything before that woulda just been like puppy loves. And Tim and I didn’t last all that long, but dammit, it was passioniate while it did.
Bonus: Who's blog did you first comment on? Wow….I’ve no idea. Might have been The Persian’s first blog, but that one’s long gone by now.


Bunny said...

So many girl names! Freaky . . .

Did this make you want to start googling everybody to find out what they're doing now? That was my reaction, lol.

Happy Tuesday Uncle Polt!

Anonymous said...

Dang, you were getting a whole lotta action in school!