Friday, October 10, 2008

It's way too far to where you are...

When I go to get lunch at work, I usually listen to the radio, to the Fox Noise Channel, just for laughs, ya know? And usually it's Glenn Beck. And he frequently gives me several belly laughs at the inanity he spouts.

But today, he went beyond the pale. He was talking about, and I'm paraphrasing, a video of Louis Farrakhan. Now he, Beck, wasn't saying Obama was a Muslim, or part of the Nation Of Islam, or anything like that, oh NO! But Beck wondered what it was about Obama that attracted Farrakhan, and William Ayers, and Rezco and those types. What is it about him, why do they support him so?

Ya know, Mr. Beck, I'd like to ask you a question. I know that there's a lot of bigots in this country who would NEVER vote for Obama. There's a group of skinheads, and the American Nazi party, and the KKK who support McCain, and I have to wonder...what IS it about McCain that he'd draw the support of the KKK, American Nazis and skinheads? What do THEY see in McCain that would make them want to vote for him?

Idiotic question. Yeah. And it's just as idiotic as what Beck was saying. The far right wingnuts on talk radio are doing everything they can to tar and feather Obama and make people...afraid of him.

But honestly, when you've lost your job, and 401K has lost half it's value, and you're having trouble getting food on your table and gas in your car, do you REALLY care what sort of completely perphieral relationships a candidate may have had 15 years ago?

And if you DO care about that under those circumstances, what the HELL are thinking? Where the hell are your priorities?

POLT Listening to Hardball, With Chris Matthews

You know what, George, you may be a bad president, but you're an okay husband sometimes. - That's My Bush

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And how do they have time to get worked up by that when they have to set aside time to get worked up into a lather over Palin's un-airbrushed Newsweek cover? I mean, there are only so many hours in the day!

Boy did Johnny sell his soul or what?