Saturday, October 11, 2008

See, roses really smell like boo...

What do you get when you mix sports fans in Philadelphia and a Republican Vice-Presidential candidate?

A LOT of booing.

Perhaps she should have done this in, say Alabama, or Utah, or Wyoming or, hey, why not Alaska? But wait...they don't have any NHL franchises in those places.

POLT Listening to "Too Little Too Late" by The Bare-Naked Ladies

Are you a pimp? - Jai, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Mojo said...

She's got okay hands I guess, but she couldn't knock my mom off the puck.

If ya got a sec, I was hoping you might stop by and sign the virtual birthday card I posted for Lime.

Anonymous said...

I've exhausted my contempt reserves on this governor. I'm gonna have to do off-Hollywood drilling in WeHo, where there are large reserves of contempt.

You win, Sarah. I'm completely spent.