Sunday, October 05, 2008

Lie on the phone, like they think that you're tolerant...

Something that I heard during the debate didn't really hit me right away. But the more and more I think about it, the more it pisses me off.

Very magnanimously, Governor Palin said how she's know gay people and she's tolerant of them. I see. How nice for her. How nice for us. How am I NOT supposed to be offended by that?

What if instead she had said that she knows some black people and she's very tolerant of them? Or what is she said she knew some Jews and she was very tolernat of Jews? Would blacks and Jews NOT be outraged?

How about this one, what if Joe Biden, a Catholic, said in response that he knows a few far-right, fundamentalist, ultra-conservative Evangelical Christians, some of them even women, and he's very tolernant of them? I assume Palin would have called foul. I assume she would have been offended, as would any other right leaning fundamentalist, ultra-conservative, Evangelical, Christian woman would be.

But yet I, as a gay man, am supposed to just be happy and thrilled that she 'tolerates' me. I guess it IS a step up from saying I should be thrown into a re-edcuation camp, or shot on sight, but still, it is rather condescending.

Frankly, I don't need nor do I want her tolerance. I want my equal rights as an American citizen, one who just happens to be gay, but who IS an American citizen nonetheless. I am, contrary to what Sarah Palin and her ilk may believe, HER and THEIR equal, when it comes to rights in the Constitution. And since she had the right to marry the man she loved, her 'first dude', I have the right to marry any man I love, MY 'first dude'. And I'll not let HER or anyone else like her, deny me that...and instead just 'tolerate' me.

POLT Listening to Bengals-Cowboys football game

She is, of course - beautiful, I knew she would be. The really wicked ones always are. - Bram


Anonymous said...

I'm not even gay, and what she said bothered me. Totally cringe-worthy. :-/

Anonymous said...

I caugt that too and thought it wasn't the right thing to say. I was thinking exactly what you wrote. I'm surprised it hasn't been used against her.

Anonymous said...

Right on......... I don't want to be tolerated just give me my rights, and you can hate me all you want.


tornwordo said...

So true. The last tolerated bigotry is still directed at us. Fu**ers.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...a re-eduation camp...I never thought of that before, but that might be right up your ally. I can think of a few things I would enjoy seeing you re-educated on.....and don't knock tolerating..I've enjoyed tolerating you for almost 8 years now. :)

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!! The tolerant thing irritates me to no end.

I'm so stealing "re-education camp"...I will be jotting that in my notepad forthwith.