Sunday, October 05, 2008

Drive my mim-cooper and I'm feeling super-dooper (Parts 17, 18 & 19)...

Superman Sundays

For whatever reason, I forgot about Superman Sundays the last two Sundays. So to make up for that, I've got three Superman Sundays right here, right now.

1) What's not to love here? The hairthing, the long lean, sexy torso, the happy trail, the sagging, and, of course, the Superman undies. Only thing that would make it better would be for him to be in just the Superman undies. Or better yet, in not even them.

2) Not the typically colored Superman S, but a pretty striking t-shirt nonetheless. And the guys wearing it, yeah, he's pretty striking as well. Almost wouldn't mind even getting struck by him.

3) Not really SuperMAN, but this a guy in a SuperBOY costume...a non-current costume actually. And I don't think Superboy ever had a metallic sheen to his costume. But, honestly, when you look at good as this guy does, who am I to quibble over a few small details?

POLT Listening to the Bengals-Cowboys football game

Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning? - George W. Bush

1 comment:

Stephen R. said...

I have that last Superboy pic and I love the costume. And the package. A lot.