Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An utterance, unformation, don't mince words (Part 118)...

TMI Tuesdays
1. Have you ever felt guilty or ashamed after a sexual experience? No. I've been disappointed after a few, but never guilty or ashamed.
2. Did you ever own a fake ID? No, but I was with a friend when he used his, does that count?
3. How often do you tell white lies? Is it with or without thinking? Oh I tell little white lies every day! "Oh, yeah, you're hair looks great!" "Sorry I didn't hear the phone the other day, I was in the shower." those sorta things.
4. On a scale of 1-10, how well do you receive constructive criticism? If it's truly constructive, probably about an 8. But usually, correctly or not, I don't view more criticism as constructive, and that's obviously more my problem than the person offering it.
5. Have you ever shaved your pubic hair? Many times, but not on a regular basis or anything. I just get bored sometimes.
Bonus: What percentage of women do you think are capable of handling being in a "friends with benefits" relationship? How about men? I think many many men can do it, and do so easily. I think men have an easier time seperating lust (sex) and love. But I'm not sure that's necessarily a good thing either.

POLT Listening to "Sweetest Thing" by U2

In entertainment news, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston split this week. And if these two got tired of having sex with each other, what hope do the rest of us have? - Tina Fey, Weekend Update, SNL

1 comment:

Bunny said...

On the bonus answer: I think gay men do it better than straight men. Gay men seem to be able to have a physical relationship without it getting emotional, but straight guys seem to get attached. Wonder what's up with that? Or maybe it's just a matter of perception - or of what men want us to perceive?

Ok, now I'm just confusing myself.

Happy TMI!