Monday, October 13, 2008

Brain dead bored bought into the fraud...

So on my way home from work today, I listened to Laura "Screeching Harpy" Ingraham again.

For the last couple of days she was on the same foaming-at-the-mouth rant, this one being this group ACORN and how it's engaged in all this voter fraud, and why isn't the Attorny General of the United States investigating this group for voter fraud. Oh, and by the way, it's tied to Obama's campaign.

This is a good reason why I listen to her show: her bashee-like shrillness aside, she really is humorous in her extensive inaccuracies.

ACORN (I don't know what the acronym stands for, sorry) is a group that, among it's other duties, tries to register the young, the poor and minorities. No surprise then that she, and the other Republican wing-nuts are against them.

This charge of voter fraud that she trumpets all the time is really a rib tickler. How can there be any voter fraud when NO ONE HAS VOTED YET???? I know there's that early voting taking place in some states, but she was raising cain about this before any of that started.

Perhaps there might be registration fruad, HOWEVER, I can't speak for any other state, but I was Judge Of Elections at the polls in my precinct, and I dealt with things like this. If someone's a new voter, our county has a stamp over their name in the voter roll book then send us, saying ID is needed. If the person shows us an ID with a local address, he votes. If he shows us an ID with a non-local address, but with a piece of paper from the county courthouse saying he's moved into the county and is now registered to vote here, we let him vote. If I'm not sure, if there's ever a question, I call the courthouse, and they tell me what to do. If they're not sure, or in a last resort, we let them vote by provisional ballot. After the election, the three county commissioners (two from the majority party, one from the minority) will research them all and determine if they were allowed to vote here, and decided whether the vote counts or not, before they even open the envelope containing the ballot!

Even if ACORN is registering the same person more than once, then unless they're also providing these people with false ID's, there no problem. They won't get to vote more than once, unless there IS some serious voter fraud going on, more fraud then just registering people more than once. If that's even going on...or like an epidemic and Screeching Harpy likes to project.

But the BIGGEST issue for is how curious it is that the Republican have only NOW become interested in voter fraud? I mean, where was their outcry over voter fraud in Ohio in 2004 with the Diebold electronic voting machines? Where was their calls for investigations in Florida in 2000 when the Republican Secretary Of State shut everything down prematurely...and the US Supreme Court overruled the state Supreme Court to allow it to be shut down?

Perhaps Screeching Harpy and her ilk only care about voter fraud when they're behind? Perhaps they only get upset over non-Republican voter fraud? Or am I just being cynical?

POLT Listening to "Invicible" by Muse

Hello, hello, hello, is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone home? - Pink Floyd, Comfortably Numb

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