Saturday, January 14, 2006

Call me the American nightmare...

Oh thank GOD! The loooong national nightmare is finally over!!!!! Finally, by the grace of God, things are back to what they should be. The Washington Redskins have FINALLY lost!!! They are OUT of the playoffs! No more ceaseless ramblings from all the DC TV and radio stations about the 'skins. No more incessent, idiotic ramblings from the knuckle-draggers about how "This is the year! The Skins are back! All the way, baby!" And praise be to all that is holy, I'll no longer have to hear that railroad spike into my eardrum that is "Hail to the Redskins."

*Contented sigh* It's over...finally over.....

POLT = listening to the cheering from Seattle on the TV

Looking back on my life, ya know, all I see are things I coulda changed, I shoulda done. - The Verve

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