Monday, January 09, 2006

swing from these necktie remedies...

I hate neckties. I detest them with a passion similar to my hatred of the Bush administration, Right Wing fundementalists and complete morons (hmm, those three are rather synonomous, aren't they?). I think whoever invented the necktie should be hung by his thumbs by his invention until dead, then strangled with a necktie and drawn and quartered with neckties just to make certain the guy's dead. (Which he probably is already, considering how long men have been harrassed with this thing)

Nonetheless, one year for Christmas, i got a tie that I love! It's got the Superman S all over it, and some of the S's have Santa hats on them as well. Well, this sort of thing isn't really appropriate for weddings, funerals, or job interviews, and I have no other real reason to where a tie. SO this past year, the last day that I worked before Christmas was Christmas Eve. Thankfully, i do not have to wear ties to work, but then I did. I knew no one would be believe that not only did I wear a tie, but that I wore one to work. So I took my camera along and had a coworker take a photo of me in the tie.

Yep, that't Uncle Polt's office: the windowless, concrete block walled working space o'mine. It ain't much of a workspace, but then i don't really do all the much work anyway, so it all balances out in the end.

POLT = listening to "Ebben? Ne andro lontana" by Catalani

Each person should walk away from sex satisfied - and if it was really good, at least one person should be limping. - Jason Davis, XY #21

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