Wednesday, January 04, 2006

You'll feel better, here's your letter....

There's a lady I work with whom I'll call M. She's my "At Work Mother" or so we both say. ANyway, she's got 4 grandkids, between the ages of like 8 and a year. The three oldest are boys, Adam, David, and Ben. When they, and thier parents, have visited Grammy, they've come into where we work a few times, so I've kinda gotten to know the boys a little bit. Anyway, Grammy M mentioned in early December something about one of the boys loving Superman. Well, that's all I needed to hear! I collect comic books, have done so since 1977, and I'm always looking for a reason to get the next generation interested in them as well. And DC Comics puts out this line of comics for younger kids: a bit more cartoon-y artwork, less dark and serious storylines, easier to read and such.

So on one of my weekly visits to the comic book store, I picked up about four or five different issues of the Justice League Unlimited comic book, and took them to Grammy M and told them to give them to the boys.

Well just today in the mail, I got a letter from Adam, the oldest. When i saw the return address, I had to laugh and I smiled pretty much from then until now still. I've posted the letter below.

I don't know how well it's gonna come out, so in case you can't read it, it says:

Dear Mr. Chris,
Thank you for the Justice leage comick books. I like them a lot. I hope that I can visit you another time. Do you remember when you showed [us around] (this is reference to where I work) Do you remember Ben - David. If you don't they look like this. (and then he's taped to the letter part of a photo of his brothers that he cut out for me)

Isn't that just like the sweetest cutest thing? Those boys are so nice and polite. As Aggie says in similar situations: That makes my uterus hurt. (hehehehe)

POLT = listening to "Bboy" by Kylie Minogue

I pretend to work, they pretend to pay me.

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