Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I'm busy, busy, dreadfully busy...

So i got this email from Johnnie today:

hey polt,i'm hella busy right now, so i won't be able to get a column in tonight. i can try to get one to you later this week or just wait until next week. your preference.

So i guess I'll cut him some slack and let him wait until next week, since he's so busy. I understand a grad student's life could get busy...but one would think it would get busy at the end of a semester and not the beginning. Especially when one is going out and partying with all of one's friends at the same time. Oh but whatever, I'll give the kid a break. We'll resume Testicular Tuesdays with Johnnie next week.

POLT = listening to "Confusion" by New Order

You're simple, shallow, and a common whore...that's why we're soulmates! - Karen, WIll&Grace

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