Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Superman, where are you Superman...

The new Superman flick comes out this year, and I'm rather ambivalent. I don't believe I'll enjoy it, cause I haven't liked what I've seen so far. i don't like the actress fpicked or Lois Lane, I don't like the actor picked for Superman, and I've been bitching about the costume since I first saw photos of it. And I STILL don't like it, the S is too small, the shorts are too small, the belt's ALL wrong, and the look of it has seemed too....modernized. I mean, made out of glitzy new materials and such. I just didn't think the costume would work.

However, I recently found this photo online, and it's of the cotume in action, as it were. And frankly here, it doesn't look all that bad.

But I'm STILL reserving my judgement. They're gonna have to do a DAMN good job to get me to like it, I think.

POLT = listening to "Some Days Are Better Than Others" by U2

Ended up in Rome, which is big and hot and dirty. It was just like L.A., but with ruins. - Victor, The Rules Of Attraction


Anonymous said...

Oh Chris...you remind me of David complaining about how the new He-man action figures are different.

Polt said...

Susan, Susan, Susan...I'm talking about SUPERman here, not He-man. Pffft, like there's any comparison. That's like if I were talking about a 2006 Porshe, and you brought up a 1975 Pinto. Or if I was talking about past Super Bowl winners and you mentioned the Walkersville JV football team. Or if I was talking a trip to all the fine capitols of Europe and you discussed a trip to the Hagerstown Wal-Mart. No comparison. Why should I care about the action figrues of the 1975 Pinto/JV football team/Wal-Mart? This is the Superman MOVIE, my dear woman! Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Well I don't have an issue with the costume, but like you I am reserving judgement until I see the movie. I really haven't seen much on this, but what I have seen doesn't seem too bad. I'm going to treat this like I did the FF. I'm going into this with low expecations so hopefully I will be satisfied with the final result.

On a side note I got a box set of the old Superman movies for Christmas. I know I probably saw most of them at one time or another, but as I am watching these I don't seem to remember as much as I thought I did.

Anyway, hopefully this new guy will make as decent a Superman as Christopher Reeves and Tom Welling.

Polt said...

I think lowered expectations is the way to go for this movie. If I don't expect much, well, then I can hardly be disappointed, now can I?

You got the whole set of Superman movies? Like all 4 or 5 of them? Even the really bad one with Richard Pryor and the even more horrid one with that atomic superhero, whatever his name was. Blech!

Now, Superman II, now THERE'S a movie! Oh the whole "losing my power for you Lois" schtick is silly, but the fight with the three Kryptonian villians, oh, MAN, I get goosebumps thinking about it even NOW!