Saturday, January 28, 2006

The kids are alright...

I finally got Season 3 of The Kids In The Hall on DVD! Whoo-Hoo! I ordered it on eBay for only $37.00. Yeah, I know I'm always complaining about money, but it's The Kids In The Hall! And it was only $37, WITH shipping. The cheapest I've seen it it $42, and that's not including shipping. ANd most places have it for $50-$60, before tax! So it was SUCH a bargain!

I watched a few episodes tonight. I've seen them all in reruns on Comedy Central at least a half dozen times, and they STILL crack me up. Oh not all of the sketches, some fall flat, but dear GOD the ones that succeed, they succeed full force!

Also, I found this quiz online, about which KITH character I am:

You are Hecubus! I knew it! Evil! Evil after all this time! You are imminently evil! Your life is consumed by doing evil deeds like blocking your Master's car in the driveway or showing up drunk to the taping of your EVIL show. You don't have many friends, in fact you only have two, Simon-who is really more of your Master, and Mr.Vodka! Deep down you may seem like a nice, nevermind you are evil to the core. Now, repeat after me, Owa tana siam!
Simon and Hecubus
Which Kids in the Hall Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hecubus, eh? Well I AM evil, but really, I thought I would be more like Buddy Cole....minus the lisp, of course.

POLT = listening to "Shame" by Stabbing Westward

After the gig, go home. - Wendy Melovin

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