Saturday, January 07, 2006

We usually lose, but sometimes we win...

This football season, as last year, Johnnie (as in "Testicular Tuesdays With...") and I bet on the weekly football games. Anygame we differed on, we get a dollar on, and just kept a running total. It wavered back and forth throughout the season, along a spectrum of me owing him three dollars to him owing me two dollars and everything in between. In the end, he picked 40 games correctly to my 38 games correctly picked. Which means I owed him 2 dollars at season's end. But we've gone on to pick the playoff games, one of which I've lost already. I'm not too worried, though, cause even with this most recent loss, I'm still 7 bucks ahead, cause of the OTHER bet we made, for then bucks, wherein Johnnie's 49ers didn't even get within spitting distance of 8-8. (hehe, hehe....hehehe...)

Also, in a similar vein, I got into a betting game at work. There were 12 players, each of us put in 20 bucks, and withdrew a name of a team in the playoffs. The team that won the AFC would get $100, the team that won the NFC would get $100, and the winner of the Super Bowl would get an additional $40. And i got the Indianapolis Colts! Whoo-Hoo! I had figured them to go all the way to winning to Super Bowl...until I picked thier name. now I probably jinxed them, and they're not gonna make it that far and I won't win any money. That'd be my luck.

Oh, and back to the first topic, I also kept track of both of our total picks. Johnnie was 165-91, or 64.45% percent correct for the season. I was 160-96, or 60.15% for the season.

POLT = listening to the go&&a#]\[ f*ck!]\[g Redskins winning thier playoff game! Arrrgh!

Our sex life isn't what it used to be. We're down to four times a day. - Justin, Queer As Folk

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