Friday, January 13, 2006

Never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy...

Jesus, Mary AND Joseph, today was crazy! I mean, crazy crazy. Crazy nuts crazy! Crazy gnaw-your-face-off crazy! We were busy, like three times busy...for a busy day. Not three times busy for a normal day, oh NO, busy for a busy day! Just crazy.

i was blaming it on the full moon (if there is indeed a full moon now, who can keep track?), until someone mentioned it was Friday the 13th. But I still don't think that was the reason, I mean, firstly, I'm not superstitious by nature, but secondly, no bad things were happening, just an excessive amount of normal things. I'm sticking with the full moon theory.

Anyway, the good news is, I got another hour of overtime! Whoo-HOO! We're less than two full weeks into the new year, and Uncle Polt's already got four hours of OT. And bills are coming due, so I ain't complaining.

After work, since I managed to actually get an amazing amount of stuff done, I decided to reward myself, and stopped by Burger King. (oh yeah, do I know all about rewards!) But man they were busy too, i had to wait 11 minutes in the drive thru, 7 of them just to make it to the thing to place my order. I could have, and should have just moved on, I mean it's not good for my health OR my wallet, but hell i WANTED it! So i waited. And it was all worth my while when cute lil Austin, with his lil attempt at a goatee and flashes of chest hair, handed me my food. Well worth the wait for that smile and thank you.

Anyway, I'm home now, full tummy, posting to my blog. What more could I want? (well, there is the Asian twinkie with a hairthing in a Speedo...THAT would be nice too, but I'll make do.)

POLT = listening to "Even The Losers" by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

It seems like once people grow up, they have no idea what's cool. - Calvin & Hobbes

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