Thursday, April 24, 2008

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 106)...

Once more, it's time for....

This past Tuesday was the primary election in Pennsylvania. Uncle Polt ALWAYS votes. I've been eligible to vote since the spring of 1986, and I've only ever missed one, an off year primary election. And this was the first PA primary in my memory that actually meant something, that the nominee wasn't already decided before we voted.

At any rate, when I voted, I snuck my camera in with me for this week's HNT:

Yep, that's Uncle Polt casting his vote for Barack Obama. Not sure if the camera in the voting booth is entirely legal, but eh, whatever. I'm a rebel like that. That's how I roll.

To see what other people did for HNT, click HERE.

POLT Listening to "Everything" by Alanis Morisette

I live beneath the sea. I rule and live in a kingdom surrounded by pressures beyond any human ability to measure. What chance did you EVER have against me? - Aquaman, Justice #12


S said...


S said...

That is most excellent Polty!
Sorry about Hilary taking it though......

Ashly Star said...

I wonder if a camera in a voting booth is illegal? That sounds like something that would be true. Also something I wouldn't pay any attention to either. Lol.

Happy HNT!

Kittie Kate said...

I never missed a vote either. If you don't vote, you don't have a right to bitch!

I didn't vote for Bush! I have no bush. ;)

Happy HNT!

Dana said...

Voting is a right everyone should take seriously!


Anonymous said...

Very responsible! HHNT!

Bella Dreamer said...

HHNT, you rebel.

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

That is, ehhem...such a sexy vote. *wink*

Happy HNT!

Jason said...

yeah the camera thing.. probably not.. and that's why it's great that you did it.. because now if they 'lose' your vote you can help them find it.. ahhhhh i kid... i kid...

anyway.. very cool seeing that ballot my friend simply because i can't vote from up here in the great white north.. all we can do is kind of hold our breath and send our prayers...


Anonymous said...

THAT is a cool hnt :)

- said...

U & the always so cleverly creative pix! ; ) luv it;; hhnt 2 u!

Lapis Ruber said...

Glad you voted. Over here in UK the feeling is mostly ABB - Anybody But Bush - so here's hoping!

Happy HNT

lime said...

hahaha, i did a voting picture this week too! first time in our PA lives the primary meant anything on a national level! glad to see you weren't among the yutzes who gave our state to billary.

Vixen said...

Look at you living on the edge like that! ;) Very responsible of you.

HappyHNT you!

Sexy Duet said...

I am quite certain that taking a camera into a polling booth would be illegal here but then again they dont stop you taking your phone and almost all have cameras anyway.

I always vote but it is compulsory here, well at least you have to get your name crossed off the electoral roll, they cant actually make you fill out the ballot papers.

Happy HNT!


MarcelloNYC said...

"Rock The Vote With Polt"

That should be your new blog.


Unknown said...

That's why we love this rebellious side of you Polt! Such political naughtiness. HHNT!

Naughty K said...

Your such a rebel... hee hee
Happy HNT!

Bunny said...

I always vote too. It's almost a fetish.

This is one of the coolest HNTs I've ever seen!


Anonymous said...

way cool. I don't understand people who don't vote. Cheers.


evel dread said...

simply scandalous! ;)