Sunday, February 08, 2009

I guess I'm horrible for you, I guess...

Just a question for y'all,

When you say the 'horrible', how do you pronounce it?

a) haar-able
b) hoor-able

I've always pronounced it 'haar-able', however, I hear a lot of people pronouncing it the second way...which always makes me giggle, cause it should like they're saying "whore-able", and that just changes the entire meaning.

example 1: I had a horrible experience at the party!
example 2: I had a whore-able experience at the party!

Example 1 denotes a really bad, awful time. Example 2 denotes something that could be fun and interesting.

Just curious.

POLT Listening to "Girlfriend In A Coma" by The Smiths

"It just goes to show that anyone can be president." "Anyone. ANYONE. Heh, anyone." - Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton, SNL


Stephen R. said...

I love it!!! Reminds me of the difference between "naked" and "nekkid."

When you're "naked," you just don't have any clothes on. But when you're "nekkid," you don't have any clothes on and you're UP TO SOMETHIN'!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm whore-able...I'll admit it...

lime said...

haar-ible. it's the philly influence ;) i think this word was actually on a dialect test i once took.

Anonymous said...

Whore-able here...

Tam said...

Whore-able. But I prefer to spell it Hoar-able. So as not to offend my delicate sensibilities. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Whore-able here too. But then I pronounce out like "oat" and I don't live anywhere near Canada.

Tam said...

Ummm, I'm IN Canada and I don't prononce it "oat" either. Its OWT, three strikes and you are OWT. Horses eat OATs.

hoteltuesday said...

I do the open-mid back vowel + mid central vowel combo myself, but I understand why others do the open back vowel (which I think is the 'correct' way). In other, non-English major words, I do "hoar-able."

Eternal Lizdom said...

Totally thought of this post today when I saw a co-worker wearing a too-short skirt, black pantyhose, and high heels that laced up the front of her foot... and commented to my friend that the outfit was "whore-ible" with a lot of emPHASis on the whore!

Craig said...

Haarable here.

Anonymous said...

b-cuz there's no 'a' in that word!