Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Cellphones is blowin', the crews not available...

Today, I forgot my cellphone and went to work without it. That's really not such a big deal, cause I can't get reception where I work anyway, and so I just turn it off when I'm there. If I don't, then it keeps searching for service, and depletes the battery.

But still, since I didn't have it with me, I felt...well, naked. Like I had left my left arm at home. My cellphone is with me EVERYwhere I go. Even at home. If I'm in the kitchen, it's in the kitchen. If I'm in bed, it's on the stand next to the bed. If I'm in the living room at the computer, it's in front of me. If I'm in the living room on the couch, it's on the coffee table. It's just something I always have with me.

And today I didn't. And it just didn't feel right all day. not that I could actually feel it, but just the psychological knowledge that I didn't have it. It was just bad.

Plus, I feared I might have actually brought it with me from the house, but it might have fallen out somewhere before I noticed it was gone. That was an even bigger fear, as I have only the cellphone, and no house phone. but when I got home, it was on the stand next to the bed, right where I left it.

Funny how we get attached to silly little things like that.

POLT Listening to "Touched By The Hand Of God" by New Order

Meat is murder.....tasty, tasty murder! - t-shirt


Anonymous said...

Back when I worked for the Sec. States office I was required to carry a cell phone. Had the belt clip and all for it.

Well one day I caught a ride home with a co-worker and I didn't notice that the seat belt had snagged my phone. Luckily it rang and my co-worker realized it and brought it into work the next morning.

When I worked at the State Attorney Generals office all I got was a pager and I was the I.T. Director.

john said...

I have this same reaction when I forget my watch.