Thursday, October 08, 2009

Full tank of gas, a pound of weed, a bird called pinky...

On the way home from work today, I saw a lady standing next to her car because it ran out of gas. I know it ran out of gas because there was a guy walking towards the car carrying a gas can.

My first thought was, "How in the world can someone run their car out of gas?" But then I quickly remembered that almost happened to me. Years ago, I was driving home on the Interstate and I saw I was low on gas, but I figured I could make it home. Turns out I couldn't. When I got off the Interstate, it was already on empty. I knew there was a gas station right off the Internet.

Luckily, the road this exit led to was elevated over the Interstate, and either side of it went back down to the main road level. I went across the Interstate and started down the other side, and started to sputter. As I coasted down and pulled into the gas station at the bottom, I think I totally ran out, and pretty much just drifted into the station and right up to the gas pump.

And forever after that, I always try to fill up the tank when it reaches the halfway point. Don't need to worry about that again.

Also, speaking of cars, one of Miss Cleo's taillights was out. Earlier in the week, I called my mechanic about it (I'm a fag remember, what do I know about cars except how to drive them?) and he said to stop by after work. When I did, he told me to push the breaks while he stood in the back. He said, "Yep, it's out. Pop the trunk for me, please." I reached down towards my feet, looked for the switch and pulled it. I heard a pop and looked in the rear view mirror. He still stood there. I said, "Didn't it open?" at the same time he said, "Pop it open."

Only then did I realize, I had opened the hood, not the trunk. I told him that, around a few embarrassed chuckles, and popped the trunk for him, then I went and shut my hood.

I hate being such a mechanically deficitent fag sometimes.

POLT Listening to Countdown With Keith Olbermann

Words of advice kids: dib;t provoke a drugged up gorilla. - Flash, The Flash #178


Anonymous said...

"I knew there was a gas station right off the Internet." Got the net on your mind, eh?

I can't believe you just coasted into the gas station, how lucky?

Totally funny about the trunk. I would have laughed too.

Anonymous said...

Luckily I got the handy gene. I can take things apart and put them back together now.

Cars aren't a mystery to me at all.

Tam said...

You made me laugh. In my old car I changed the brake light myself. Girrrrrl Power. :-)