Thursday, October 08, 2009

In your eyes, they are sleepy, getting cold...

Ever since I moved into the house, I’ve been very tired and fatigued like all the time. I was kind of expecting this because 1) I was under such a high level of self-imposed stress for such a long time that I figured a deep post-stress crash was unavoidable, 2) I’m diabetic and fatigue is one of the symptoms of that and 3) I’m generally a rather lazy slug to begin with. However, it’s now been over a week since I’ve been there, and I’m still feeling that way.

I’m tired all throughout the day, in early evening, I start yawning almost constantly. I spend most of the night time on the couch not doing anything. There’s boxes to unload and books to get on shelves and yet, I’m not doing anything about them. I feel that I need to, but I just can’t gather up the motivation to do so.

I’ve having some issues sleeping. It still feels like I’m staying in a hotel and not my home. And after living in the apartment for 12 years, I guess it might take a bit of time for the house to feel like my home and not the apartment. But in addition to a new place, I’m also sleeping on the other side of the bed from where I used to. I heard people talk about not being able to sleep on the other side of the bed and chuckled to myself, thinking, “Oh, it can’t be THAT big of a deal.” But maybe it is. I mean, I can get to sleep, but I find myself waking up several times throughout the night. I can go back to sleep pretty quickly, but waking up 4 or 5 times a night doesn’t give me a whole lot of long extended sleep. And the sleep I go back into doesn’t seem really to be a very deep sleep.

So I’m basically attributing my tiredness to my lack of good sustained sleep. But I assume, the more nights I sleep at the house, the more comfortable my sleep will become. At least I’m really hoping that’s the case.



lime said...

i'm sure it's a combination of all those facotrs both big and small. it's a major life transition and it's nto a place you're accustomed to sleeping in yet. here's hoping you can get some good sleep sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

Go sleep on your normal side of the bed!!!

Perhaps you ought to make a trip to the doctor just to make sure your levels are good and nothing strange is happening.

Anonymous said...

I do hope you have a CO detector in the house.

And yes, a trip to the doc might help.