Saturday, October 31, 2009

I know i'm falling back to you...

Just in case you've forgotten, here's a helpful reminder:

Man, you have just got to LOVE European sensibility. We all know that were a USA company to make an ad like this, it would feature a silicone-implanted, bubble-headed bleach blonde who's barely able to say the lines as they're read to her while she jiggling her extremeties all over the camera. Only from Europe would you get a hot guy undressing and sliding into a tub. Or maybe Canada.

And who even CARES that the UK switched back on October 25th, and not tonight? I mean, really, does that even matter?

POLT Listening to "Going Down" by The Stone Roses

It is sometimes a mistake to climb; it is always a mistake never even to make the attempt. - Dream, Vertigo PReview #1


Anonymous said...

Oh yea man I will remember now. :)

Tam said...

In Canada we don't even remind you. We figure you'll find out when you are an hour early for work on Monday. LOL Nice reminder though.

hoteltuesday said...

I LOVE(!!!!) falling back. Having that extra hour this morning dragged me to hell. YAY!!!!