Friday, October 23, 2009

One word is all i need to say exactly how i feel...

Looking back on Saturday night, I’ve been trying to distill everyone there (sans myself, of course) down to one word. In some cases, the word was obvious and came to me immediately. In others, it took thinking and reflection. But I think I’ve finally done it.

Chris D.: Mystery
Craiggers: Tall
Dave S.: Brother
David: Bombastic
Enrickyticardo: Hairy
FDot: Giving
Jere: Unexpected
Kari: European
Sassy josh: Non-stop

And now, the explanations.

Chris D.: Mystery. Unfortunately, Chris D. and I didn’t have many opportunities to talk much, so I still don’t know much about him. I know he’s a great cameraman. I know he’s got more courage than I do cause he actually sang a solo. I know he’s very sweet cause he used his own money to buy a Metro card for Dave S. and I. And that’s about it. Hopefully, on a future visit to NYC, he and I can get to know each other a bit better.

Craiggers: Tall. I know, how boring, right? I should have been able to come up with something better than that, right? Craiggers IS absolutely as funny, witty, engaging, argyley, interesting and laugh inducing as you’d expect him to be. But when I think of him now, what first comes to my mind is his height. It’s rare for me to find someone taller than me (I’m 6’1”), especially by several inches. So that’s what made the biggest impression in my mind. Oh, that and that fact his penis is huge, but then we all already knew that.

Dave S.: Brother. It’s crazy, but this was only the second time he and I met in person, and just like the first time, it’s like we’ve knew each other for our entire lives, not just about 18 months or so. There was never during the four and a half days we spent together, and awkward moment. We shared a similar sense of humor and had each other laughing most of the time. We could almost finish each others’ sentences. I don’t know why we’re like that, but he felt like a brother to me.

David: Bombastic. (bombastic generally has a negative connotation to it, but that is not at ALL how I mean it. I could not come up with a better word, and just the sound of it, BOMBASTIC, sounds SO David-like) David, I discovered, is like a force of nature. As soon as he swept into the room, he owned it. He got us all singing, when prior to his arrival, we all kinda just stood there watching the stupid anime movie. He took charge of the events for the evening, and got us where we needed to go, if not by the most direct path. He kept things going and kept the same level of energy the whole evening. He was our leader, and we, his kittens in need of herding.

Enrickyricardo: Hairy. Yeah, this is boring too. I wanted to get something more telling, but, somewhat like Chris D., Enrickyricardo and I didn’t really have a chance to talk. Oh sure we sang a duet to “Sara’ (which was THE perfect choice), but that was pretty much it. So I go with Hairy. Not that I think he’s a particularly hairy person in general, but with the full beard and the stylish mop of hair on his head, when I think of him, I see hair. Maybe after another trip to NYC, I’ll be able to get a more insightful word for him.

FDot: Selfless. This man gives and gives and gives. First, he thought to ask me to come up for the get together. Then he drove into NYC TWICE to hang out with us. And he spent a goodly portion of both days running around NYC wearing his little feet down to the ankles (or was that just me?). And he bought supper for Dave S and I the last night there in a wonderful Italian restaurant. He was all about giving of his time and himself to make sure we have the wonderful weekend that we did.

Jere: Unexpected. From Jere’s blog, I had the impression of someone who didn’t smile much, was somewhat dour, who was very passionate about his beliefs and interests, but sometimes, people like that can cross over into obsession and a tunnel vision thinking about only their obsessions. However, I was very pleasantly surprised to see I couldn’t have been more wrong. Oh, Jere is passionate about his interests, but not with an intensity that overrules everything else. And he has such a dry sense of humor and razor sharp wit. His timing is impeccable when it comes to a one liner or zinger, and he almost constantly had me laughing. It was unexpected, but in an extremely enjoyable way.

Kari: European. Kari has a very European demeanor, look, and feel (not that I felt him, unfortunately) about him. I in no way mean this to be an insult, I find it fascinating. He’s tall (again, taller than me), blond, attractive, lean, well dressed, but those aren’t necessarily European qualities. Those coupled with the way he carries himself, and speaks, and his whole personality made it obvious he wasn’t American. That’s a compliment by the way, cause I think that’s fascinating. But again, unfortunately, we didn’t get a chance to talk much, so I’m added him to my list of people to talk to next NYC trip!

Sassy josh: Non-Stop. Oh my God, think hyper poodle puppy on crack. But in a good way. Sassy josh has a level of energy and intensity I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. And yeah, he’s a bit hard to follow in conversation (or at least was for me sometimes) but what he was saying drew me in and made me WANT to follow it. He’s funny, with a very interesting speech pattern including different languages, excessive z’s, different voices and tones, and endless subject matter. Someone again, I would have liked to have spent more time with getting to know, despite the difficulty in keeping up with him, both in speech and energy. And he’s added to that list as well.

These are, of course, just MY takes on people, I would assume others that were there would have different words for the participants. And if any of you want to try you hand, feel free to leave a comment. Or just tell me where you differ with my thoughts. Tell me where I’m wrong or right. And is there anyone on YOUR list that who you didn’t have time to get to know this meeting?

POLT Listening to "Monkey Gone To Heaven" by The Pixies

Hey, Cameron. You realize if we played by the rules right now we'd be in gym? - Ferris, Ferris Buellers' Day Off


that's J-O-S-H said...

"hyper poodle puppy on crack."

<3 <3 <3

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's me!

Craig said...

I tower over ye tiny mortals!

Michelle M. said...

I think Chris D. might be the sweetestguyintheworld.

I pictured everyone else pretty much as you described them.

I wonder what word they would choose for you??

Tam said...

Well, I don't know if it's Craig influence or what, but I've met 5 of the NYC gang and it was like I knew all of you and was sitting down with long-time friends. I guess Puntabulous has let us all get to know each other and makes being together in person easy. I didn't get to spend much time with David as we just met up with him briefly after his show but spending time with Enrico and Craig in NYC in April and you in Toronto in April and again in July and Dave S in July made for some wonderful vacation memories this summer, not just for me but for my daughter as well as everyone welcomed her as part of the package deal with me when I was traveling. (She's still freaked out by your tour. :-) )

Who'd have guessed so many different (and yet the same) people would have found each other on the internet and become like family.

hoteltuesday said...

I'm not that hairy! And I trimmed my beard yesterday, just so you know.
And if Josh is non-stop, doesn't that make me non-stop too? I think we had equal hyper levels. lol.

And bombastic is a good word (at least, it is in "Bombastic Love" by Britney Spears!)

And yeah, Craig's height does stand out. That hombre is a giant.